MaximumSolar L.L.C. Brings Touch-Less Snow Removal to Massachusetts Solar Farms
Maximum Solar will now be able to rapidly deploy to various sites in order to mitigate the huge losses caused by snow shading.
Beginning this winter Maximum Solar L.L.C. will begin offering touch-less snow removal services to owners of large-scale ground mounted solar farms throughout Massachusetts. Until recently, the company only offered the service to solar farms under its ownership and management. However, with its newly engineered SBJ II machine, Maximum Solar will now be able to rapidly deploy to various sites in order to mitigate the huge losses caused by snow shading.
"We spent last winter engineering, manufacturing and utilizing this technology for our own solar farms and the results were eye-opening" said Dean Iandoli who, along with Brett Chapman owns Maximum Solar. "Payback came in one day of added production, which, considering that last December a snowstorm took out our fields for almost seven days, was an incredible return."
The machine uses high-velocity air, slightly warmed and directed over the face of the panel in a horizontal flow to quickly remove snow.
"The word was that the new Massachusetts solar market, where large scale ground mounted facilities are rapidly being installed, would not be affected by snowfall because the snow would simply slide off the panels. We watched firsthand at our own facilities and that was definitely not the case," said Iandoli.
" The SBJ I saved us many thousands of dollars in lost production last year and now the more effective SBJ II will allow us to bring this unique service to other owners."
Maximum Solar LLC, a Massachusetts company, currently owns and operates more than $37,000,000.00 in Massachusetts solar assets. Maximum Solar can be reached at 978-355-2343, or