SEIA Welcomes American Honda Motor Company as New Member

Honda is a leader in the development of cutting-edge technologies to improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions.

Washington, D.C. – Another iconic, blue-chip automaker has joined the Solar Energy Industries Association (SEIA). American Honda Motor Co., Inc. is a strong advocate of renewable energy – both here in the U.S. and around the world – and is working with SEIA and others to further the deployment of solar energy in America.

Honda is a leader in the development of cutting-edge technologies to improve fuel efficiency and reduce CO2 emissions. Honda also has led the Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) rankings of overall vehicle environmental performance since 2000.

"Honda strongly believes in the importance of addressing global climate change by reducing CO2 emissions from home, business and transportation energy use," said Steven Center, vice president of the Environmental Business Development Office of American Honda Motor Co., Inc. "Wider deployment of solar is a key part of the solution, and we look forward to working with SEIA on efforts to make solar energy an increasingly mainstream technology."

"SEIA is excited that Honda that has joined our organization. We've been incredibly impressed with their CO2 emission reduction efforts over the years. What's more, their recent solar initiative – a $65 million fund that helps Honda customers to deploy PV– represents another big step forward for solar," said SEIA President and CEO Rhone Resch. "By focusing on clean energy initiatives, Honda is taking an important leadership role in the renewable energy arena. We're delighted that Honda is officially working with SEIA to advance clean, affordable transportation and energy options throughout the United States."

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