Beaumont Solar CEO Cavallo Speaks at Governor Patrick's Energy Celebration
Beaumont Solar CEO Phil Cavallo tapped for a key speech at Gov. Patrick's "5 Years Green Celebration" recently. As owner of one of the fast-growing solar engineering and installation companies in the Northeast, Cavallo illustrated the importance of solar energy to the economy and environment.
Beaumont Solar Company CEO Key Speaker at
New Bedford, MA – Phil Cavallo, president and CEO of New Bedford, MA-based Beaumont Solar Company, was tapped to speak at a recent celebration to mark the fifth anniversary of the Green Jobs Act, the Global Warming Solutions Act, the Green Communities Act and the Massachusetts Ocean Plan, four energy and environmental policies that were implemented by Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick five years ago.
As the owner of one of the fastest growing solar companies in the Northeast, Cavallo addressed the audience at Mass Maritime, steps away from the spinning blades of the academy's wind turbine and solar-paneled roofs, to give a first-hand account of how the green energy economy spurred by Gov. Patrick's green policies have meant success for Beaumont Solar and the communities they serve.
"The beauty of the Green Communities Act is that it creates a triple bottom line," said Cavallo. "It's undeniable that it's great for the environment. Second, it is great for municipalities, companies and residents, enabling them to capture substantial long-term savings on the cost of the power they consume. And it creates real jobs, which are critical for our economy."
Cavallo illustrated how the green economic success has worked by explaining that his company, which is a full-service engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) company in the solar industry, has grown ten-fold in seven years. He also shared a story of meeting Jamil Gimenez, a young New Bedford Vocational High School graduate, at the groundbreaking for the New Bedford Marine Commerce Terminal. Gimenez had spoken about his dream of someday working in the offshore wind industry. Cavallo said he was so impressed with Gimenez, he later offered him a job at Beaumont, suggesting that the solar industry was already making a difference in both the economy and the environment. Gimenez is now just one of several New Bedford Vocational High School graduates who are full-time Beaumont employees.
Cavallo also highlighted New Bedford Mayor Jon Mitchell's passion for renewable energy, saying, "New Bedford has already deployed solar on school buildings and city- owned land. And today, Beaumont Solar is working with Mayor Mitchell and our outstanding partner Blue Wave Capital, on additional solar installations which will put New Bedford in the top tier of cities across the state for percentage of power it will buy from clean, renewable sources."
Gov. Patrick shared that the current solar capacity in Massachusetts is enough to power 42,000 homes or reduce emissions equal to taking 29,000 cars off the road. His goal of creating 250 megawatts of solar energy by 2017 has already been surpassed by 31 megawatts in July of 2013.
Beaumont Solar focuses on rooftop, carport, ground array and landfill solar projects to provide predictable, sustainable, low-cost energy to businesses, schools, universities and governmental projects. For more information, visit
About Beaumont Solar Company
Beaumont Solar is one of the emerging leaders in the solar market by providing a streamlined, vertically integrated solution for customers, utilizing 100% in-house staff. This philosophy allows Beaumont Solar to be at the highest quality standards and at the lowest price or lowest levelized cost of energy (LCOE). For more information, visit
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