The role of customers in the energy landscape is evolving. Traditionally, customers have not been active participants, but this is changing. Electric vehicles e.g. offer the possibility of reducing cost and improving the reliability of the grid by using storage capacity. Homes are being equipped with solar panels, and many appliances could be used in a way that minimises peak loads. The 2013 Erasmus Energy Forum will explore the challenges and opportunities for building new kinds of relationships with energy customers.
The Erasmus Energy Forum 2013 will be hosted by the Erasmus Centre for Future Energy Business, a specialist research centre based at Erasmus Research Institute of Management (ERIM), the joint research institute of Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University (RSM) and the Erasmus School of Economics (ESE). Scientific Director is Prof. Wolf Ketter.
The second annual Erasmus Energy Forum on Friday, 21 June 2013 brings together energy practitioners, policy makers, and researchers from economics, computer science, behavioural science and management science to debate challenges to safeguarding the energy provision in the future. Last year's inaugural Erasmus Energy Forum event featured vigorous panel discussions involving academics, political leaders and top representatives from major international businesses with an audience of more than 100 participants from academia and business.
Why participate
The one-day event in Rotterdam's Wereldmuseum includes presentations from top executives and leading researchers, Q&A sessions, 2 panel discussions and poster sessions. Discussions will reflect the transformation of the energy sector in developing the business foundation for tomorrow's energy markets. The Forum will also see the presentation of the first Erasmus Energy Business and Science Award. There's a social aspect too, with networking lunch and drinks.
Keynote speakers
Volker Beckers (former CEO of npower)
Jan Paul Buijs (IT Strategist at RWE-Essent)
Prof. Wolfgang Ketter (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)
Dr Jochen Kreusel (ABB)
Kerstin Meerwaldt (BMW Group)
Jochen Moeller (Deputy to German Ambassador)
Ir. Huib Morelisse (Nuon)
Prof. Shmuel Oren (University of California, Berkeley)
Dr Dirk Schlesinger (Cisco Systems, Inc)
Participating panellists
Dr John Collins (University of Minnesota)
Prof. Alok Gupta (Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota)
Jessica Stromback (Smart Energy Demand Coalition)
Prof. Gail Whiteman (Rotterdam School of Management, Erasmus University)
Master of Ceremonies
Sumit Bose, journalist, TV presenter and writer (Energy Live News)
The morning sessions focus on e-mobility, the afternoon presentations are on smart homes. All presentations are in English.
Business and Research Awards
The Forum will also see the presentation of the first Erasmus Energy Business Award for the best innovative and sustainable energy concept or business model that contributes to improving people's lives, business success, and the planet. The winner gets five minutes on stage to pitch their idea or concept to the entire audience at the Energy Forum event. In addition, a donation of €2,500 will be given – on behalf of the business prize winner – to the United Nations Fund for Energy & Climate. The first Erasmus Energy Science Award for research presented during the Forum event's poster session, which pairs practical relevance to future energy business and presents new findings with scientific rigour comes with a prize of €1,000 for the researcher. Nominations for the Business and Science Awards can still be made up to and including June 17, 2013