Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas ends 2012 with more than 80 certified plants in Spain (650 MW+), due to their integrated solutions for the adaptation of mid-voltage photovoltaic plants facing LVRT
Providing complete high value technical and management solutions, adaptable to any kind of inverter, are the keys to success for Aries Ingeniería. --- Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas consolidates its position as leader in the development of quality network solutions in the renewable energy sector.
Madrid, March, 19th- As the deadline of 31/12/2012 approached, Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas provided their integrated solution, whose principal equipment is supplied by the company Wind To Power Systems (w2pS). Having developed more than 80 plants in all of Spain (650+ certified MW), due to changes in compliance with new regulations established by a response to a record gap in voltage generation.
One year ago, Aries gave the market a highly competitive solution, which was aligned with the requirements introduced by the Royal Decree 1565/2010, of November 19, on the obligation to adapt the facilities and groups of photovoltaic installations with potency above 2MW pursuant in the procedural operations of P.O. 12.3 in the response to voltage shortcomings.
The system offered by Aries Ingeniería, an integrated turn-key solution, valid for any kind of inverter –regardless of the manufacturer/s who are involved in the plant-, has received a warm welcome in the marketplace, due to the reduced time to execution and costs compared to the inverter's manufacturing alternatives.
Raúl González, Director of the Division of Energy at Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas, has recently assured that "we are very satisfied with having adapted 20% of the certified plants in 2012 and we anticipate an increase in the number of contracts in those plants that remain to be adapted in this year. We hope to continue offering our clients efficient, high quality, and economical solutions, meanwhile remaining committed to innovation."
About Aries:
Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas is an independent, global and diversified engineering company that develops effective, high value added solutions in the Energy and Test Systems sectors, integrating the most advanced technology with the highest qualified team of professionals.
Aries Ingeniería y Sistemas offers engineering solutions including feasibility studies, basic and detailed engineering, construction, and start-up and operation in the Test Systems and Energy sectors. As a result of international expansion, the company has offices in Spain, the United States and China. With a presence in over 22 countries, Aries develops a strategy directed at specific markets, allowing for a strong, stable and profitable growth.