Vis Solis begins construction on first U.S.-German solar project at Oak Ridge Heritage Center
East Tennessee site selected as first U.S. project for German program designed to deploy innovative solar technology and expand global solar markets
OAK RIDGE, Tenn.— Tennessee solar energy developer Vis Solis, LLC announced it began construction on a 50 kilowatt solar photovoltaic installation at the Oak Ridge Heritage Center on Monday. The project was developed in conjunction with the German Energy Agency, Deutsche Energie-Agentur (DENA), and Germany's leading solar and dual-axis-sensor-controlled tracking systems manufacturer, DEGERenergie. The Heritage Center installation will mark DENA's first U.S. project.
"Vis Solis is pleased to bring this innovative solar technology and international partnership to Oak Ridge, a city with a rich history in energy innovation and leadership," said Carlos Mayer, managing member of Vis Solis. Vis Solis oversees the complete engineering, procurement, financing, operation and design of investor-owned solar photovoltaic power plants.
Seven ground-mounted trackers with 30 solar panels on each tracker will make up the 50-kilowatt photovoltaic solar array. It will be installed on the duct bank in the 1200-acre Heritage Center industrial park. A 50-kilowatt solar photovoltaic system produces enough energy to power about 15 average family homes.
"Vis Solis is using solar energy to turn an empty plot of land into an income producing asset for our investors and the community," added Tim Hayes, Vis Solis project manager. The duct bank is a small area of the Heritage Center that is not suitable for excessive and deep digging that is typical for a traditional construction project, making it ideal for a solar installation.
The Heritage Center solar installation in Oak Ridge, Tennessee is the first U.S. partnership in DENA's Solar Roofs Program portfolio. Since 2004, DENA has taken part in over 40 solar projects across the globe to bring together rising international interest in German solar technology and help expand global solar markets.
All solar roof projects developed by DENA are designed as public-private partnerships and co-financed by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology.
The project is scheduled to be grid connected in 2012. Vis Solis and DENA are planning a ribbon cutting and solar symposium with regional solar stakeholders March 2013.
About Vis Solis
Vis Solis, LLC is located in Franklin, Tenn. and is a subsidiary of Vis Solis GmbH in Breesen, Germany. Vis Solis GmbH was formed in 2009 and Vis Solis, LLC in 2010 to finance, design, build and operate world-class electric generating systems. Vis Solis, Latin for "the power of the Sun" has strong experience providing state-of-the-art energy systems for roof-mounted and ground-mounted photovoltaic applications, including large-scale systems built on landfills, former military facilities and other redevelopment sites. The company has completed more than 40 megawatts of solar photovoltaic power plants in Europe and North America and has another 20 megawatts in progress. To date, Vis Solis has completed projects with a total value exceeding U.S. $100 million. For more information on Vis Solis, LLC and distributed solar power, visit
About DENA Solar Roofs Program
The DENA Solar Roofs Program was developed by the German Energy Agency, Deutsche Energie-Agentur GmbH (DENA) in 2004 to support German solar energy companies entering international markets and to provide comprehensive installation marketing and training programs for increased public awareness of German solar technology. DENA solar roofs serve as leading projects for German renewable energy expertise in the photovoltaic, solar cooling and solar thermal energy fields worldwide. These projects, supported by the German Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology (BMWi), are intended to help the participating companies to develop or expand existing export markets and to demonstrate the high quality of German renewable energy projects. For more information about the DENA Solar Roofs Program, visit
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