Logan Energy Limited Brings Clean Power to London for New 20 Fenchurch Street Development
Stationary Fuel Cell Power Plant will Support City of London Low Carbon Zone Programme
Edinburgh-based Logan Energy Ltd, the world market leader in powering fuel cell integrated systems, today announced a new contract to install a 300 kW stationary fuel cell power plant at the 20 Fenchurch Street office development in the City of London. The installation, which will be designed, integrated and maintained by Logan Energy, will support London's deployment of decentralized energy to develop a more sustainable, secure, cost-effective and low to zero carbon energy supply in the capital.
Known as the ‘Walkie Talkie', the 38 storey, 690,000 square foot office building is being jointly developed by Canary Wharf Group plc and Land Securities plc and is set to open in early 2014. The building boasts a distinctive design that sees it widen as its height increases, providing a smaller footprint and correspondingly larger outdoor space at street level with additional floor space for lease on the upper floors. The Direct FuelCell® (DFC®), which will be installed in 2013, will provide electricity, high temperature heat to an absorption chiller to provide cooling, and low temperature heat for space and domestic water heating in a combined cooling, heat and power (CCHP) configuration.
The DFC300-EU, which will be supplied by German-based Fuel Cell Energy Solutions, is well-suited to such a highly populated area and brings several key benefits:
 Reduced pollution: The power generation process of the fuel cell is an electrochemical reaction rather than combustion, to efficiently convert fuel into clean electricity and heat suitable for many tasks from underfloor heating, through chilled water provision to steam generation; and so is virtually free of pollutant emissions such as nitrous oxide, sulphur dioxide and particulate matter.
 Quiet operation: This also ensures a quiet operation, about 65 dba, allowing for a normal conversational tone next to an operating fuel cell.
 Efficiency and savings: Generating both electricity and heat from the same unit of fuel reduces fuel costs and drives efficiency. Fuel cells can achieve up to 90 per cent efficiency when the heat is utilized in a combined heat and power (CHP) configuration. The fuel cell project designer and installer, Logan Energy estimates the overall efficiency of this DFC installation as being 80 per cent.
The project Construction Manager Paul Mutti from Canary Wharf Contractors Limited, a wholly owned subsidiary of Canary Wharf Group, said: "The high efficiency of the stationary fuel cell power plant is very important for this building, from both an economical as well as sustainability viewpoint. The design and construction of the building incorporates the latest advances in efficiency and conservation to minimise the building's environmental impact, including re-use of the demolition material from the prior building, utilisation of solar shading and window glazing that conserves energy, and the fuel cell power plant that economically generates both electricity and heat with virtually no emissions."
The DFC power plant supports the targets established by the Mayor of London to supply one quarter of London's energy from decentralised sources and reduce CO2 emissions by 60 percent by 2025, supporting the Mayor's vision for London to be the greenest big city in the world. The high efficiency of the DFC power plant and efficient design of the CCHP scheme reduces building CO2 emissions by approximately 351 metric tonnes per year using National Calculation Methodology (NCM) simulation software, resulting in an 8 percent saving in building CO2 emissions.
"This project is another example of how well integrated, fuel cell powered, distributed energy solutions can provide superior carbon and operational savings over other technologies." said Bill Ireland, Managing Director of Logan Energy Limited. "We are extremely proud to be a part of this prestigious project which further expands our portfolio of installations, supporting our business expansion plans."
About Logan Energy Limited
Established in 1995 Logan Energy Ltd is the world leader in integrating fuel cell powered systems. Logan Energy Limited was launched in 2005 and offers a full turnkey service including feasibility studies, system design, integration, installation and maintenance.
To date, Logan Energy has installed over 170 fuel cell systems worldwide, including one in Transport for London's prestigious Palestra Building, which has been operating successfully since its commissioning in February 2009.
They have installed over 18MWe of fuel cell installations of varying technologies, a major proportion of the worldwide independently installed fuel cells.
To learn more about Logan Energy Limited please go to www.logan-energy.com