Tentec Launches New Foundation Bolting Tool for the European Market

Tentec, designers, manufacturers and suppliers of bolt tightening equipment have launched a new foundation bolting tool for the wind turbine market.

Tentec is pleased to announce the launch of the latest addition to its Aero range of bolt tensioners for wind turbines. Designed specifically for the European wind market, these new foundation bolting tools for metric coarse threads now ensures that Tentec supplies the most comprehensive range of tensioning equipment currently available on the market.

The two new tensioners, WTF9753 AND WTF9426, have been developed to fit the latest M36x4 AND M42x4.5 European foundation bolt types respectively. Both tools feature increased stroke, spring return and are supplied complete with a fitted gearbox. As with other tensioners in the range, they have been designed with rapid tensioning in mind and offer a safe, reliable and consistent method to simultaneously tension many foundation bolts.

Tentec has recently produced new product literature that features these new tensioners and this can be obtained by emailing Tentec at sales@tentec.net or it can be downloaded from the website at http://www.tentec.net/wtf-datasheet.php

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Further Details: Roy Sheldon. Tentec Ltd. Plymouth House. Guns Lane, West Bromwich, West Midlands B70 9HS. UK Tel: + 44 (0) 121 524 1990 Fax: + 44 (0) 121 524 1999
E-mail: sales@tentec.net www.tentec.net Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/wind_at_tentec

UK Press Contact:
Eileen Holmes-Ievers. In Press Public Relations Ltd. St John's Chapel, High Street, Lambourn, Berkshire. RG17 8XL. Tel. + 44 (0) 1488 674200 Mobile: 07774 968272 E-mail: eileen@inpress.co.uk www.inpress.co.uk
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/InPressPR

December 4, 2012

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