CSP Today releases the new technology reports series

CSP Today are pleased to announce the launch of the CSP Parabolic Trough and the CSP Solar Tower reports available from today. These two in-depth reports provide real data on cost and performance to plan, measure and optimize profitability in CSP.

In spite of Parabolic Trough being the most mature and widely deployed of all CSP technology's – accounting for no less than 95.6% of the current global installed MW capacity of CSP – only a small number of developers and EPC contractors know the real costs of Parabolic Trough.

With Solar Tower's growing market share set to alter the CSP technological landscape and claims that it could represent CSP's most viable route towards grid-parity mounting, the eyes of the industry are increasingly zooming in on this technology. Yet, currently there exists a critical lack of transparency surrounding the cost and performance parameters of Solar Tower

The conundrum is that in revealing such sensitive information developers fear undermining their competitiveness within the industry, yet in withholding such information the competitiveness and development of the industry is undermined.

These 2 recently published reports offer:

Which CSP technology offers the most viable route to grid-parity
Current and projected LCOE's
Expected penetration levels
Latest R&D initiatives and technological advancements set to optimize performance and reduce costs
Comprehensive cost breakdown data from CAPEX to OPEX
Performance sensitivity analysis

The CSP Parabolic Trough report and the CSP Solar Tower report are available from today. For more information about methodology, table of contents, figures and companies involved, please visit:


For more information please contact:

Bea González
CSP Today

About CSP Today: CSP Today is the reference point for CSP professionals and a cornerstone for communications within the industry. We aim to provide you with industry focused news, events, reports, updates and information for the Concentrated Solar Thermal Power industry.

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