Press Release for the 20th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition
Biomass is multi-usable for energy as well as for material use
Milan, June 22, 2012 – The 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition ended on Friday, June 22, 2012. Conference General Chairman, Dr.-Ing. B. Krautkremer Fraunhofer Institute IWES, Head of Bioenergy System Technology concluded at the EU BC&E Closing Session: "Biomass is multi-usable for energy as well as for material use. The technologies are quite advanced and the industry well-established. This gives hope to come up with the challenges we are facing in these times of transition of our energy system. Biomass will obviously play a key role towards a sustainable supply".
The Conference Programme was defined and structured under the guidance of the Technical Programme Coordination group Dr. Heinz Ossenbrink, Dr. David Baxter and Dr. Jean-Francois Dallemand, all from the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre. Dr. David Baxter highlighted in his summary: "Biomass conversion technologies have progressed rapidly in the last year. In some cases technologies have made giant steps forward and expect to achieve commercial reality well with the next 5 years, way ahead of the 2020 target in Europe. The best example of the latter is lignocelluloses ethanol where commercial-scale plants are already under construction. This is not to say there are many challenges and R+D will be needed for a long time to come. So, the European Biomass Conference will need to focus on supporting exploitation of new ideas as well as refining the technologies close to market".
"Primary energy supply from biomass could triple by 2050 in a scenario compatible with an increase of average world temperature by two degrees Celsius" said Dr. Paolo Frankl, Head of the Renewable Energy Division of the International Energy Agency, during his presentation of the IEA Roadmap on Bioenergy for Heat and Power at the 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition held in Milan this week. "Modern bioenergy technologies would also play a crucial contribution for the achievement of the objectives of the UN Secretary General initiative "Sustainable Energy For All" presented and discussed at the Rio+20 conference", he added.
The European Biomass Conference ranked on top level of the world's leading events in the biomass sector. 332 keynote, plenary, oral and parallel events presentations, 12 parallel events were held during the week, covering all aspects of biomass and bioenergy. The Exhibition showed the newest products and technological developments in the biomass sector with 64 exhibitors and 28 exhibitors' presentations. The discussions focused on current topics like Biomass Resources, R&D on Biomass Conversion Technologies for Heating, Electricity and Chemicals R&D on Processes for Solid, Liquid and Gaseous Fuels from Biomass, Industrial Demonstration and Business Concepts, Biomass Policies, Markets and Sustainability.
The "Johannes Linneborn Prize" for Achievements in Biomass Development was awarded to Professor Hermann Hofbauer
The prize was awarded to Professor Hermann Hofbauer, Vienna University Technology, for his outstanding contribution and leadership for over 30 years in developing and in market introduction of several important technologies for energy carrier production and sustainable energy generation from biomass by thermochemical methods. Especially his work on producing syngas from biomass by dual zone circulating fluid bed gasification attracted worldwide attention and admiration.
Its implementation for combined cycle energy generation in Güssing was an important step in reaching a share of almost 100% renewable energy in this South East Austrian town, provided hundreds of new jobs, flourishing businesses attracted scientists and business people from all over the world and even enhanced tourism.
Professor Hofbauer has been and still is active in many international networks and advisory committees, chairman of scientific boards, in the different IEA-groups as member or Austrian delegate and in the executive committee. He is also key-researcher at the competence center "Bioenergy 2020" Gasification. Hermann Hofbauer is often invited at international congresses on biomass and appreciated as an authoritative speaker, a friendly and wise colleague and an effective promoter of biomass energy.
Next to all this he also paid a lot of attention to educating young people, had leading positions in management of education and general administration at the University of Technology in Vienna.
EUBIA – European Industry Biomass Association Industry Award
The 10th EUBIA Award was delivered this year on the occasion of the 20th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition recognising World Thermal Service AB Powder Burners for its 'outstanding contribution to the development of the Biomass Energy Sector and its market'. The prize was officially awarded on the 20 June, by Tord Fjällström, EUBIA President, to Björn Forsberg, during the Parallel Event 'Biomass Opportunities in Sweden'.
WTS main business is powder burners, multi-fuel burners for powder, oil, and gas. WTS carries out dry calculations for upgrades of existing and new dryer systems before change over to powder burning. WTS also do consulting regarding biomass handling and combustion primary on dry biomass.
Background of the EU BC&E
For over 30 years now, the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (European BC&E) has combined a very renowned international Scientific Conference with an Industry Exhibition. The European BC&E is held at different venues throughout Europe and ranks on top of the world's leading events in the Biomass sector. It provides an high-level scientific programme and parallel events which attract participants from a wide ranging background: Researchers, engineers, technologists, standards organisations, financing institutions and decision makers.
Such a global exchange platform of current knowledge in turn attracts industrial exhibitors, making the conference events a significant tool for technology transfer and innovation. This event is supported by European and international organizations such as the European Commission, UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Natural Sciences Sector, the Italian Ministry for the Environment, Land and Sea, Regione Lombardia, WCRE - the World Council for Renewable Energy, EUBIA - the European Biomass Industry Association, and other organisations.
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