Conference f-cell and Battery+Storage: programme online now

The f-cell hydrogen and fuel-cell industry forum and the Battery+Storage conference and trade fair will provide a comprehensive overview in the fields of hydrogen, fuel-cells and batteries in Stuttgart, Germany, from 8 to 10 October 2012. The presentation program is available online:

In 2011, there was again a massive increase in the use of renewable energy worldwide. Global investment in the sector rose by about 17 per cent. In this development, Germany has a leading role. The transformation of the energy system will require new approaches to energy management. Due to weather-dependent fluctuations in the supply of energy from renewable sources, it will be necessary to store energy in order to cover peaks in consumption. Large batteries and hydrogen as a chemical storage medium offer promising solutions. Fuel cells reconvert hydrogen produced by electrolysis into electricity on demand. Electromobility with fuel-cell and battery-powered vehicles that run on clean electricity or green hydrogen is part of the overall concept for a viable future energy supply system.

Platform for experts from the fields of research, production system integration and application
The f-cell and Battery+Storage conferences and trade fairs will provide more information about this scenario as well as valuable insights into the state of technology and future lines of development in hydrogen, fuel-cell and battery technology. These events will take place from 8 to 10 October 2012 at the ICS, the Conference Centre at the Messe Stuttgart, and will address producers and users of hydrogen and fuel-cell technology for stationary, mobile and portable applications, battery manufacturers, energy suppliers and experts from research institutes, service providers and representatives of the automotive industry.
The f-cell und Battery+Storage trade fairs offer companies an ideal platform for discussion with representatives from all segments of the industry and an excellent opportunity to present their products and services while establishing their positions within the industry.

Conferences featuring more than 120 presentations
The program for the two conferences f-cell and Battery+Storage featuring over 120 presentations in two plenary sessions and 19 concurrent topical forums is now available online at "Because the topics overlap in many cases, the programmes are meshed. Certain issues are relevant for both target groups," notes Peter Sauber, Managing Director of Peter Sauber Agentur Messen und Kongresse GmbH of Stuttgart, which is organizing the conferences in cooperation with Wirtschaftsförderung Region Stuttgart GmbH (WRS) and Messe Stuttgart. Production processes for batteries and fuel-cells will be an important topical focus, the organizers point out, adding that production and automation technologies are essential factors when it comes to reducing the – still – high costs of the new energy storage media and conversion technologies and making them truly competitive.

Exciting new developments in practical research
The organizers are very pleased to have engaged numerous speakers from highly reputed research institutes and business enterprises for the conferences. Speakers from such institutions and firms as the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), the Fraunhofer Institutes for Chemical Technology (ICT), Solar Energy Systems (ISE) and Systems and Innovations Research (ISI), the battery research centre MEET-Münster Electrochemical Energy Technology, the Jülich Research Centre and the Centre for Solar Energy and Hydrogen Research, to mention only a few examples, have committed to appear. Foreign researchers from the Japanese University of Yamanashi, the French Université de la Corse, the Wroclaw University of Technology in Poland and the North-West University of South Africa will report on their most recent insights.

Speakers from prominent business enterprises
Participants can look forward to numerous presentations by experts from well-known national and international companies, including, among others, ads-tec, Baxi Innotech, BMW, Bosch, Daimler, EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg, Evonic, FuelCell Energy, Hoppecke, Hydrogenics, JX Nippon Oil & Energy, Kemet, Linde, M+W Germany, Nissan, Proton Energy, Siemens, Schüco, Süd Chemie/Clariant and Tokyo Gas.

Parallel event: e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGIETAG
The e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGIETAG, which will highlight future mobility solutions and focal points of energy policy in Baden-Württemberg, will be held in parallel to f-cell and Battery+Storage on 10 October. The schedule of lectures for the e-mobil BW TECHNOLOGIETAG is also available online at

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