Financing Asia's Gas Projects and Infrastructure to Meet Regional Demand

Energy consumption and demand in Asia is expected to increase by more than 70% by 2035, accounting for at least 60% of the overall total growth in energy consumption worldwide.

Energy consumption and demand in Asia is expected to increase by more than 70% by 2035, accounting for at least 60% of the overall total growth in energy consumption worldwide. With this increase, the region's countries face the challenge of securing a clean, flexible and efficient energy source and natural gas is rapidly becoming an attractive fuel-to-power choice due to lower carbon emissions, competitive cost-comparisons and ease of availability.

With many regional countries consuming natural gas at a higher rate than they can replace their reserves at, the questions are plenty.

Will much awaited exports from the US be able to meet this increasing demand? Where will Asia be able to secure a long term and reliable supply of natural gas and LNG from? Will projects in Australia and China be enough to satisfy demand? And where will the next big projects in Asia be to increase natural gas and LNG production in the region?

"The undeniable growing demand for gas in Asia increases the importance of developing new gas infrastructure in the region. Financing this infrastructure requires large investments, in which banks, export credit agencies and capital markets would play a key role." Terry Newendorp, Chief Executive and Chairman, Taylor-DeJongh comments.

"The Gas Asia Summit 2012 brings together some of the most important industry representatives to share thoughts on the current challenges, trends and directions for the future and ways to contribute to industry sustainability. I look forward to having an opportunity to share thoughts, interact and network with these individuals."

Newendorp is among representatives confirmed to speak at the Gas Asia Summit, Conference & Networking (GAS) from 24 – 25 October at the Singapore International Energy Week (SIEW).

The SIEW is run by the Singapore Energy Market Authority (EMA) and GAS is the first conference within the week-long event focused on the regional development of the natural gas and LNG industry.

Newendorp will address delegates within the session themed "Financing Regional Gas Projects & Infrastructure" and speakers confirmed to speak alongside Newendorp include Katan Hirichand, Managing Director, Energy Project Finance, Societe Generale and Omar Sekkat, Senior Vice President, Energy Division, DNB Bank.

Cheniere Energy, Worley Parsons, Societe Generale, Total, Wood Mackenzie and Anadarko Petroleum Corporation are also among the list of participants who have confirmed their support for GAS to explore the opportunities to develop Asia's LNG and natural gas industry through infrastructure development, project finance and delivery. GAS is also supported by Singapore LNG Corporation, the International Project Finance Association (IPFA) and the Institute for the Analysis of Global Security (IAGS).

S. Iswaran, Minister, Prime Minister's Office, Second Minister, Home Affairs, Second Minister, Trade and Industry, Singapore Government will give the opening ministerial address at GAS, while other speakers who have confirmed their participation on the programme include
• Dr B. C. Tripathi, Chairman & Managing Director, GAIL (India) Ltd
• Donald H. MacLiver, Vice President - Operations, Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
• Yasushi Sakakibara, Deputy General Manager, LNG Contracts, Gas Resources Department, Tokyo Gas
• Karthik Sathyamoorthy, Director, Asia, Galway Group

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Notes to Editor:
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GAS is a regional extension of the long-running Gastech Conference & Exhibition.
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