Logan Energy Power Up All-Energy

Logan Energy Limited, the Edinburgh-based fuel cell and hydrogen solutions provider, will be providing the electricity to power the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association stand (B41), for the first time, at this year's All-Energy Show with a 5kW PEM* fuel cell.

Logan Energy Limited, the Edinburgh-based fuel cell and hydrogen solutions provider, will be providing the electricity to power the Scottish Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association stand (B41), for the first time, at this year's All-Energy Show with a 5kW PEM* fuel cell. The hydrogen fuelled fuel cell will be located in Logan Energy's exhibition trailer at the show entrance for visitors to view along with updates of their large scale CHP and CCHP fuel cell installations across the UK and Europe.
All-Energy is the UK's largest renewable energy event and is taking place in Aberdeen from the 23rd to 24th May 2012.
Logan Energy Limited is the market leader in integrating fuel cell powered systems. Fuel cells, which produce electricity via an electrochemical process, are the most efficient form of distributed electrical generation and are increasingly playing a significant role in the reduction of carbon emissions globally and providing resilient power solutions.
Polymer electrolyte membrane (PEM) fuel cells—also called proton exchange membrane fuel cells—deliver high-power density and offer the advantages of low weight and volume, compared with other fuel cells. They use a solid polymer as an electrolyte and porous carbon electrodes containing a platinum catalyst. They need only hydrogen, oxygen from the air and water to operate.
Logan Energy Ltd has been installing fuel cells since 1995. To date they have installed over 170 systems and are currently responsible for over 18MWe of output.

John Lidderdale, Managing Director, Logan Energy Ltd says: "Logan Energy is delighted to be part of the UK's largest renewable event. Fuel Cell technology is increasingly becoming recognised as the most efficient combined heat and power scheme and a cost effective, green solution to many businesses needs."

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