New Trade Show CLEAN GAS AND COAL launched in Bremen, Germany
Focus on Energy Security, Internationally Attended Panel
On the pathway to a new energy infrastructure gas and coal will continue to play an important role for several decades. How can these two fuels be employed in a most environmentally-friendly, technologically-efficient and economically-viable way so that industry and the public do not have to worry about the reliable supply of power and heat? This is the focus of the new international exhibition and conference CLEAN GAS AND COAL, taking place on February 19 to 20, 2013 at the Bremen Exhibition Centre in Germany. The event is organised by Freesen & Partner GmbH, who is also behind the concurrently held "waste to energy+recycling".
Gas and coal currently contribute almost 60% to electrical power generation in Germany, together with waste and biomass as fuels this adds up to almost 70%. Consequently, the two trade events are headed by the motto: "2 exhibitions, 1 goal: security of supply". The securing of baseload energy and raw materials supply makes up the overall topic. The conference rooms will be an integral part of the show floor. This helps exhibitors and visitors in Bremen, known as the city of short distances, to use their time at the event in an optimal way. Both the exhibition and conference will be internationally attended. Papers by industry experts as well as thought-provoking panel discussions are going to inform about the latest topics and trends.
"The CLEAN GAS AND COAL very well complements the existing 'waste to energy+recycling' so that both events benefit from each other", says Dr. Ines Freesen, Managing Director of Freesen & Partner. "The synergies work for everyone involved: more exhibitors, more visitors, more information, more leads."
The mission of CLEAN GAS AND COAL is to bring together energy executives from the industry and the public sector with providers of technical solutions and services which can guarantee a reliable supply at all times. At the same time, the event wants to send out a positive message on behalf of gas and coal. These two, to some extend domestically available, fuels fostered economic growth not only in Germany and can be the cornerstones of employment and prosperity for decades to come.
Media contact:
Dr. Ines Freesen, Freesen & Partner GmbH
Schwalbennest 7a, 46519 Alpen, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2802 – 94 84 84 0
Fax: +49 (0) 2802 – 94 84 84 3
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