Advanced Biofuels USA Publishes Distributed/Centeralized BioProduction Approach

A key aspect of the system is that bioproduct producers would no longer have to rely on single crops grown close to their facilities

(March 27, 2012) Frederick, MD – Advanced Biofuels USA, in its latest "quick brief" describes how to make the US biofuels and bioproduct industry sustainable. The key is the development of low cost, decentralized biomass to biofuel precursors (sugars or oils) production systems that would dramatically increase the distance that biomass can economically travel. By making year-round supplies of common precursors available, the US biofuel and bioproduct industry would become a coherent system that could respond to supply and demand market forces.

A key aspect of the system is that bioproduct producers would no longer have to rely on single crops grown close to their facilities. In addition, growers would be able to use marginal lands for energy crops even if their holdings were not large.

Author Robert Kozak describes the system as being able to "efficiently convert harvested field crops, slash timber, and agricultural residues at their point of production into biofuel and bioproduct precursors with sufficient value so they may be economically transported in excess of 500 miles. At the end of their journey, these precursors would arrive at large-scale biorefineries that would be designed to produce a variety of market driven bioproducts ranging from automotive fuel alcohols to structural polymers. In many cases, these large facilities would be co-located with existing petroleum refineries or would utilize mothballed industrial facilities."

"This paper makes clear the importance of committing to decentralized/centralized research in the 2012 Farm Bill. Turning these innovative ideas into realities will allow agricultural communities to remain viable and will bring badly needed jobs to depressed industrial areas. A commitment to this exciting future makes it clear that the Farm Bill benefits all Americans; not only farmers and farming communities," explained Advanced Biofuels USA executive director, Joanne Ivancic.

Advanced Biofuels USA,a nonprofit educational organization advocates for the adoption of advanced biofuels as an energy security, military flexibility, economic development and climate change mitigation/pollution control solution. Our key tool for accomplishing this is our web site,, a resource for everyone from opinion-leaders, decision-makers and legislators to industry professionals, investors, feedstock growers and researchers; as well as teachers and students.

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