First Ever US Rainwater Market Study Published
The report "Rainwater Harvesting in the US: A 2010 Industry Analysis" illustrates the sustained growth of the rainwater harvesting market in recent years, even with the poor economic times. The US market is estimated to be more than $425 million with about 1,600+s vendors and growing.
The authors of this market study collected primary data from a survey of RWH installers throughout key states in the US and also conducted informal interviews with a number of RWH suppliers and key stakeholders to validate the findings. The authors also collected secondary data from the Internet, including the website of HarvestH2o, publicly available information from the American Rainwater Catchment Systems Association (ARCSA) website, and other associations such as those serving manufacturers and suppliers.
The Full 50+ Page Report Includes:
Market Size by Value
Market Size by Sector
Types of Tanks
Markets Serviced by RWH Businesses
System Costs
Installation Costs
Rainwater Professionals by Type
Licenses and Certifications
Preferred Components
Distribution of Rainwater Businesses
Channels of Distribution
Marketing Programs
Seasonal and Environmental Factors
Key Conclusions
A few of the companies interviewed for this report include:
American Tank Co., Inc.
Austin Green Water
BRAE Rainwater Harvesting Systems
Cedar Run Landscapes
Innovative Water Solutions
Mountain & Mesa Construction
Nature's Tap
Raindrops Cisterns
Rainwater Harvesting Systems, Inc.
Rainwater Management Solutions
Stark Enterprises, LLC
The RainCatcher, Inc.
The Tank Depot
Wahaso Water Harvesting Solutions
Also available is a 25+ page Summary Report for businesses and individuals interested in the overall market growth, but not necessarily the detailed product, brand and marketing preferences included in the Full Report.
Information about the report "Rainwater Harvesting in the US: A 2010 Industry Analysis" is available at:
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