WADE will participate again at the 8th SEE Congress on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
The 8th Congress and Exhibition on Energy Efficiency will run from 28 to 30 March 2012. It will gather key industry players from South-East Europe and will tackle the financial, regulatory, policy and technological roadblocks to green energy across the Region.
WADE will participate again at the 8th SEE Congress on Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy
The 8th Congress and Exhibition on Energy Efficiency will run from 28 to 30 March 2012. It will gather key industry players from South-East Europe and will tackle the financial, regulatory, policy and technological roadblocks to green energy across the Region. The event is a great platform for knowledge exchange and establishment of new business partnerships. Edit
High-level speakers from over 20 countries are invited by the Organizer - company Via Expo. The first day of the event will be devoted to the topic Financing of Renewable Energy and EE projects or How to Secure Funding for Your Ecological Projects? There will be 2 panel discussions. The first one is Arranging Construction & Development Project Financing (Debt and Equity) with participants from Unicredit Global Leasing, EximBank, USA; Green Budget Germany; EFACEC, Portugal, etc. The second one is Arranging Debt and Equity for Operational Projects and Assets such as Existing Buildings.
There will be speakers from KredEx housing division, Credit and Export Guarantee Fund, Estonia; Low Carbon Finance, E3G, UK; KfW Bank, Germany; Deutsche Bank AG - Asset Management Environmental & Social Capital, Germany, etc. The expected 300 attendees from South-East Europe will learn about the governmental incentive schemes - are they really sufficient, how the financial landscape has changed over the last 12 months and what we can expect from the market moving forward, what are the latest financial options for EE & RES PPPs.
The decentralized energy (DE) will be again a highlight in the Congress Program. David Sweet, the executive director of the World Alliance for Decentralized Energy (WADE), will present its economic and environmental benefits. Basically, DE is the production of power near the point of use, though it is not technology-specific. According to Mr. Sweet, such energy schemes can produce power that is 70 percent cleaner and 50 percent cheaper in terms of delivery. Remote electricity generation, for example, involves power being transmitted over sometimes great distances at high voltage before being put to use.
A lot of international associations support promotionally the SEE event: WADE, Euroheat & Power, etc.
The exhibition will showcase cutting edge technologies and solutions from leading international and regional companies.
Over 300 exhibitors and 7000 visitors are expected:
municipality and associations representatives; investors and specialists in the sectors of renewables,power engineering, construction, ecology, finance, transport, etc.
The SEE Solar Exhibition and 'Save the Planet' - Eco Forum on Waste Management and Recycling will be parallel events.
Organizer: Via Expo, Bulgaria, www.viaexpo.com, Phone +359 32/945 459, office@viaexpo.com
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