Evolution and new opportunities for CSP
The international CSP community is set to meet this 29–30 November as CSP Today Sevilla Summit returns in its fifth year - complete with a site visit to Gemasolar and the 3rd edition of the CSP Today Awards
As the world re-defines its energy generation mix, CSP could provide 11.3% of global electricity by 2050. But the next two years are critical if market volume is to reach €23 bn in 2020 as predicted, and if the 89 planned plants in 16 countries are to achieve their multi-GW capacity.
The CSP industry is now facing the toughest test of all: to get competitive with other energy sources, especially now that PV is preparing to reach an average generation cost of 7c€/kWh within this decade.
For that reason, the 5th International Concentrated Solar Thermal Power Summit in Sevilla has a special focus on industry evolution and new opportunities on markets and technology.
The summit, widely known as CSP Today Sevilla, will take place on the 29h and 30th of November at the TRH Alcora Sevilla Hotel. In addition to the two-day conference program, delegates can also take advantage of a site visit to CSP's new landmark Gemasolar plant and the CSP Today Industry Awards Ceremony and dinner on the 28th November.
One of the main features for 2011 is the "CPS Global Village": a whole track dedicated to the international markets and their opportunities for development, financing, manufacturing and plant construction.
Industry veterans such as Michael Geyer, Avi Brenmiller, Eduardo Zarza, Christoph Richter, Nikolaus Benz and Gilbert Cohen will take part in the discussions. The speaker line-up features leading CSP companies including: Acciona, Abengoa, ACS Cobra, Solar Millennium, Siemens, Torresol Energy, ESTELA, CIEMAT, CENER, DLR and The European Invstment Bank.
This year, over 700 executives from the whole CSP value chain are expected to attend, alongside members from the financial community, government representatives, key associations, and new stakeholders.
More details about this event are available at www.csptoday.com/csp/programme or by contacting the organisers by email: info@csptoday.com
About CSP Today: Company devoted to promote the evolution of CSP technologies and markets by providing news, business intelligence and an open forum for those who are shaping the industry's future. In 2010-2011, CSP Today attracted more than 3,800 people through their events hosted in USA, Europe, the Middle East/North Africa region and India.
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