Energy Efficiency @ Work Convention and Exhibition 2011
The SAEE's annually hosts its flagship event, the Southern African Energy Efficiency Convention (SAEEC2011) and exhibition, Energy Efficiency @ Work. This year is the 6th SAEEC2011 and will be held on 16-17 November 2011 at Emperors Palace, Gauteng, Johannesburg, South Africa.
The energy efficiency @ work convention and exhibition, the Southern African Association for Energy Efficiency Convention (SAEEC) is the flagship event of the SAEE and annually draws over 60 knowledgeable speakers from across the world to address a niche audience of delegates. Great opportunities are created for exhibitors to display their products, solutions and services to delegates that attend from across the country. Opportunities exists for persons to present case studies, share knowledge on new solutions and discuss matters surrounding the energy efficiency and related industries by presenting a paper. Sponsorship opportunities also exist.
For more information on the convention and exhibition logon to