f-cell 2011: Hydrogen –contribution to an ecologically responsible future energy supply
Zero-emission mobility with "green" hydrogen: how a hybrid power station can produce heat and fuel from renewable energies reports Enertrag AG chairman Werner Diwald in his lecture during the fuel cell specialist forum f-cell on September 26 and 27, 2011, in Stuttgart. The complete program of lectur
Zero-emission mobility with "green" hydrogen: how a hybrid power station can produce heat and fuel from renewable energies reports Enertrag AG chairman Werner Diwald in his lecture during the fuel cell specialist forum f-cell on September 26 and 27, 2011, in Stuttgart. The complete program of lectures of the f-cell congress with approximately 70 speakers from internationally renowned experts is now available at www.f-cell.de.
Stuttgart (eos) – "Power, heat, fuel: "We have to examine the entire energy supply system, then we will find convincing, sustained solutions," says Werner Diwald, member of the board of directors of Enertrag AG from Dauerthal in Uckermark. He will report on a model project: the hybrid power station in Prenzlau that his company is building. More or less simultaneously with his lecture during this year's international fuel cell specialist forum f-cell on September 26 and 27 in Stuttgart, the power station which is currently under construction will deliver its first "green" hydrogen. An electrolyzer driven with wind power that is currently not required produces hydrogen from water, providing intermediate storage for unevenly available wind energy. The hydrogen is then passed on either to a hydrogen service station and into the tanks of emission-free fuel cell vehicles or together with biogas into a block-type thermal power station, thus creating heat and power for building energy supply. "It would also be possible to feed the hydrogen into the existing natural gas distribution system," explains Werner Diwald. Gas turbines or fuel cells could convert the gas into power on site. The highly discussed, expensive expansion of mains power supplies would be superfluous.
"Hydrogen will be an important component for the energy market of the future," says Professor Bernd Höhlein from the EnergieAgentur.NRW, who in his f-cell lecture will discuss the costs of hydrogen use for possible future electromobility with fuel-cell drives. Dr. Manfred Waidhas from Siemens stresses in a speech the technical production of hydrogen on a large scale: "Hydrogen is not only a very versatile energy carrier. It is the only energy storage medium that also still works with energy with an output of more than ten Gigawatt hours." The German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV) will use the f-cell forum to present its new compendium regarding the safety of hydrogen. The president of the International Council on Clean Transportation, Dr. Alan Lloyd, will be coming from San Francisco. He will report on solutions for sustained mobility. In his lecture, Dr. Klaus Bonhoff, CEO of NOW (National Organization for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Technologies) will discuss the role of hydrogen in the context of expanding renewable energies.
Program at www.f-cell.de online
In total, approximately 70 lectures await the f-cell participants, covering the hydrogen infrastructure, fuel cell applications for portable devices, energy supply as well as electromobility under the motto "Mobile applications – fuel cells and batteries moving the future". Renowned international speakers from Japan, China and Canada have confirmed their attendance, as have important German participants such as Daimler, BMW, Opel, BASF, EnBW, Vaillant or Linde as well as scientists from research facilities as for example the Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (ICT), the German Centre for Aerospace (DLR), the Jülich research center as well as the Center for Solar Power and Hydrogen research (ZSW). The detailed program is now available at www.f-cell.de on the Internet.
Alongside the program of lectures and approximately 800 expected visitors, f-cell offers a trade fair with approximately 50 exhibitors from the industry.