WASTE TO ENERGY+RECYCLING back on the Growth Track
Exhibitor Award goes to Ecoloop, Introduction of Student Award
The international exhibition and conference "waste to energy+recycling" ended on an upbeat note last week. The sixth edition of the industry gathering in Bremen, Germany, fulfilled its promise to exhibitors and visitors alike. 75 percent of the trade visitors rated the programme as highly relevant, more than 60 percent said they made new contacts. The more than 80 exhibitors praised the high quality of discussions at their stands and the international turnout of the audience. Some 1,500 attendees came to Bremen.
"The positive feedback to our addition of materials recovery to the energy-from-waste core of the event confirms us in our approach to further develop the trade show and seminar programme", said Ernst Rieso, Project Manager of organiser Messe Bremen. "The concurrently held Urban Mining congress and the support from our partners also significantly contributed to the success of the new 'waste to energy+recycling'."
The new award for the most innovative product or service displayed at the "waste to energy+recycling", as voted for by the audience, went to Ecoloop GmbH. The Goslar, Germany-based company has developed a new process to produce synthesisgas from biomass and waste streams, which enables energy-intensive industries to substitute fossil fuels and reduce CO2 emissions.
The student award, which was also newly introduced at this year's exhibition, was designed to recognize exceptional scientific achievements in the field of waste management and recycling. The focus of the nominations was on resource efficiency and practical applicability of the results. With the words "The waste industry finally attracts more female talent" the head of the jury, Prof. Dr. Henning Albers of the University of Applied Sciences Bremen, presented the awards to: Ivonne Goertz, University of Duisburg-Essen (1st place), Andrea Gerstner, University of Applied Sciences Bingen (2nd place) und Jana Rothfuchs, University of Applied Sciences Bremen (3rd place).
The "waste to energy+recycling" is one of the leading environmental exhibitions in Europe. The international trade show and conference focuses on energy and materials recovery from waste and biomass. Its mission is to bring together technology vendors, project developers, public and private operators to discuss challenges and solutions. The industry forum is organised by Messe Bremen with its cooperation partner Freesen & Partner GmbH. The next "waste to energy+recycling" will be held on May 15 to 16, 2013.
More information: http://www.wte-expo.com
Press Contact:
Dr. Ines Freesen, Freesen & Partner GmbH
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