The 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition will take place in Berlin, Germany (6-10 June 2011)

The Technical Programme is coordinated by the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre. Conference General Chairman is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Faulstich, Technische Universität München, Director Science Center Straubing.

The 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition will take place in Berlin, Germany (Conference: 6-10 June 2011 - Exhibition: 6-9 June 2011). The Technical Programme is coordinated by the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre. Conference General Chairman is Prof. Dr.-Ing. Martin Faulstich, Technische Universität München, Director Science Center Straubing.

The 19th European Biomas Conference and Exhibition proudly reports that more than 1020 scientific and industry papers have been submitted for the 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition. The global interest in the European Biomass Conference is evident in the soaring number of 67 countries where the submitted papers originated: All European countries, North and South America, Asia and Africa, as well as Australia have contributed. The abstracts received reflect the high standard and the significance of the 19th EU BC&E for the further development of biomass.

Following the abstract review process, the International Biomass Scientific Committee, comprised of more than 150 prominent experts in their respective biomass fields, has composed the comprehensive Conference Programme that will include 75 Sessions with 20 Plenary, 230 Oral and more than 600 Visual Poster Presentations.

The Conference Programme for the 19th EU BC&E includes international presentations on all fields of the Biomass sector:
o Biomass Resources
o Biomass Conversion Technologies for Heating, Electricity and Chemicals
o Processes for Fuels from Biomass
o Technology Deployment and Industrial Demonstration
o Biomass Policies, Markets and Sustainability
For over 30 years now, the European Biomass Conference and Exhibition (European BC&E) has combined a very renowned international Scientific Conference with an Industry Exhibition. Since 2007 the Conference and Exhibition takes place every year. The European BC&E is held at different venues throughout Europe and ranks on top of the world's leading events in the Biomass sector.

This event is supported by European and international organisations such as the European Commission, the German Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety, UNESCO - United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, Natural Sciences Sector, WCRE - the World Council for Renewable Energy, EUBIA - the European Biomass Industry Association, the German programme Biomass energy use and further organisations.

The 19th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition is realized by WIP-Renewable Energies with the international support of ETA-Florence Renewable Energies and the scientific support of the European Commission, DG Joint Research Centre.

Featured Product

SOLTEC – SFOne single axis tracker

SOLTEC - SFOne single axis tracker

SFOne is the 1P single-axis tracker by Soltec. This tracker combines the mechanical simplicity with the extraordinary expertise of Soltec for more than 18 years. Specially designed for larger 72 an 78 cell modules, this tracker is self-powered thanks to its dedicated module, which results into a lower cost-operational power supply. The SFOne has a 5% less piles than standard competitor, what reduces a 75% the labor time.