Gulf Stream Turbines-Using 24/7 Ocean Currents for Electricity With Huge Carbon Offsets
With our patented technologies using submersible turbines and utilizing The Gulf Stream Ocean Currents we can help solve our nation's economic competitiveness and environmental challenges and add to our security that we all face in today's world and the uncertain future of tomorrow.
Fort L
auderdale, Florida USA- Are billions being spent on the right renewable technologies? At the 2009 World Green Energy Symposium, recently held in Philadelphia, Pa. Gulf Stream Turbines LLC presented a patented submersible hydrokinetic energy technology to be placed in the Gulf Stream Ocean Current, about 15 to 20 miles off the SE coast of Florida, between Key Largo and North Palm Beach, with no harm to marine life. The 85% to 90% capacity factors are equal to natural gas and coal fossil fuel plants, but with no CO2 emissions. Each 1.2 MW turbine would offset about 10,000 tons of carbon dioxide emissions when compared to fossil fuel plants. The turbines costs are comparable to wind turbines but their capacity factors and efficiencies are at least 2-3 times more practical. The N.Y. Times said the current carbon credit markets are now worth US $30 billion and within the next decade could be worth US $1 trillion. If each turbine can offset 10,000 tons of CO2 emissions, which were trading recently at up to US $30 per ton in Europe and when they develop and manufacture 10,000 turbines by 2013-2014 they would save 100,000,000. tons of CO2 emissions that could equate to US $3 billion, without including the revenues from the 8.94 Gigawatts of electricity produced plus the hydrogen and the desalinization of water revenues possible within this decade. "The United Nations (UN) estimates that the total "technically exploitable" potential for waterpower (including marine renewables) is 15 trillion kilowatt-hours, equal to half of the projected global electricity use in the year 2030. Of this vast resource potential, roughly 15 percent has been developed so far." Their contact is Rowen Negrin for more information at So I ask once again, are the billions being spent on the right renewable technologies?Featured Product

Offers a maximum power output of 120V/240V 7200Watt and can power almost anything. Whether it is 120 Volts or 240 Volts, Powerhouse can single-handedly address all your home power requirements. The Nature's Generator is a solar generator built to be used anywhere, anytime. Power is supplied by our very own Power Panels and Wind Turbines, and can be connected to your home power. We ensure a clean charge without sacrificing any power, so you can stay connected wherever life takes you.