U.S. Beats Canada 4:1 on Renewables

United States consumes four times the level of renewable energies as Canada.

Consumption of non-hydro renewables in Canada was 1% of the country's total energy in 2005, according to latest data from the U.S. Energy Information Administration.

Canada consumed 14.3 quadrillion Btu, of which oil was 33%, natural gas 25%, hydroelectricity 25%, coal 9%, nuclear 7% and 'other renewables' was 1% (includes solar, wind, tidal, geothermal, solid biomass & animal products, biomass gas & liquids, industrial & municipal wastes).

Comparable EIA data for the United States (2007 figures) says non-hydro renewables accounted for 4.3% of its energy consumption.

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Canadian Solar - HiKuBlack - Black Backsheet & Frame (Mono)

Canadian Solar - HiKuBlack - Black Backsheet & Frame (Mono)

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