Medium and small communities facing climate change: European Climate Conference Rovigo 2008
The European Climate Conference Rovigo 2008 is a capacity-building event, jointly organized by the Province of Rovigo (Italy) and ICLEI -Local Governments for Sustainability, that aims to transfer good practice and know-how from experienced local governments to as many communities as possible.
The participation of more than 200 local governments in Bali proves it: local governments are a leading factor in advancing climate protection! This is why the Province of Rovigo and ICLEI-Local Governments for Sustainability are jointly organising a capacity-building event for local governments, which will take place in Rovigo, Italy, from 2 to 4 April 2008.
The European Climate Conference Rovigo 2008 is a follow-up event in a series of ICLEI Climate Conferences for local governments and local stakeholders.
The first inspiring conference took place in Stockholm in 2006 ( The event focused on setting ambitious targets by highlighting exemplary actions of advanced communities in the field of climate protection, mitigation and adaptation.
Several of these forerunners will now share their experiences in Rovigo, but this time from a different perspective. These successful communities will now explain how they have achieved excellent results, focusing on the process, to help further develop the capacity of political decision-makers, municipal officers and other key stakeholders involved in community climate protection action.
The target audience includes small and medium-sized communities in Europe who are starting up in this important field. One of the main goals of this event is to offer these local governments an opportunity to link up with other communities in their region, and establish partnerships for mitigation and adaptation to climate change. Given their common background, the challenges these communities face are best addressed through working together, which will accelerate the implementation of actions plans and targets. To facilitate this process, ICLEI encourages existing or newly formed regional clusters of cities and communities to participate jointly in the conference Rovigo 2008 and to learn together about solutions to climate change.
Local governments and those who are interested in participating in this event are invited to contact ICLEI. Registration for the European Climate Conference Rovigo 2008 is now open. To download the registration form or for more information about the programme, please visit
At a glance
European Climate Conference Rovigo 2008
Date: 2 - 4 April 2008
Location: Rovigo, Italy
Target groups:
- Medium and small communities, to learn about the impacts and solutions to climate change, and how they can move towards a more sustainable energy use and production;
- Associations of neighbouring communities, wishing to cluster and cooperate for mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and for sustainable energy: together they can be stronger
- Successful and ambitious communities, who can transfer their know-how and experience in the field of climate change and energy management;
- Provinces and Metropolitan areas, in their roles as facilitators and guides for the medium and smaller communities in their jurisdiction;
- Local Agenda 21 co-ordinators interested in further involving citizens and stakeholders on climate action and a more sustainable energy.
Conference languages: English,
Italian and Spanish interpretation offered in all plenary sessions and in at least one parallel session
Host: Province of Rovigo
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
European Secretariat
Leopoldring 3
79098 Freiburg
Tel.: +49-761 / 368 92-20
Fax: +49-761 / 368 92-29
Conference fees:
€ 350 - Regular fee
€ 300 - Reduced fee
More information
and registration
Contact information
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability
International Training Centre
Francesca Schraffl, Project Officer
Leopoldring 3
D-79104 Freiburg
Tel: +49-761/368 92 20
Fax: +49-761/368 92 29
Web site: