Summit Spotlights How Hollywood Can Use Its Resources to Promote Environmental Strategies for its Corporate Operations and Entertainment Content
Los Angeles, October 23, 2007 iHollywood Forum, Inc. today announced the first summit called Hollywood Goes Green (http://hollywoodgoesgreen.com). Hollywood Goes Green takes place at the Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel from 9am-5pm each day with over 30 speakers, and cutting edge exhibitors in the expo hall. The title sponsors are NBC Universal and General Motors.
The visionary keynote speakers are:
Living with Ed, Ed Begley Jr., Host, actor, and environmental activist
Live Earth, Kevin Wall, Founder
Bravo Media, Lauren Zalaznick, President
General Motors, tba
This is the first conference dedicated to how Hollywood professionals, both above and below the line, can take a leadership role in implementing environmental strategies. We address practical steps for implementing environmentally sensitive practices in both day to day business operations, reducing reliance on nonrenewable energy sources, and in delivering persuasive environmental messages in film, TV, cable and music to influence consumer awareness. A portion of the proceeds, which includes a silent auction, will be donated to several environmental charities.
"This conference will address the question: Is Going Green Good for Hollywood's Business? We believe the answer is yes and that implementing eco-friendly practices are good for the environment and good for Hollywood's bottom line," said Zahava Stroud, iHollywood Forum President and conference founder. "We bring together entertainment business executives, creative talent, and environment organizations to share ideas on developing partnerships for a sustainable future."
Conference keynotes includes actor and environmental activist Ed Begley, host of Living with Ed on HGTV. Mr. Begley says: "I am delighted to support this event, the first conference designed to educate and inspire the entertainment industry professional on how to use our creative talent and business expertise to influence environmental awareness of consumers. This exciting gathering will offer an in depth exchange of ideas among industry influencers who share a common passion to protect the environment."
There will be a kick off cocktail reception and press tour announcing the summit on Nov. 13 from 6pm-9pm held at the spectacular home of Steve Glenn, founder and CEO of LivingHomes (www.livinghomes.net), a premier developer of modern, prefabricated, sustainable homes. Located in Santa Monica, this is the first home in the nation to receive a Platinum rating, the highest rating possible from the U.S. Green Building Council's LEED® for Homes program. The residence incorporates an unparalleled level of environmental systems, features, and materials, and was recently honored as one of the Top Ten projects in the nation by the American Institute of America's Committee on the Environment (COTE).
Press are invited to attend the cocktail party, preview the home and network with top Hollywood business executives. The conference producer and creator is iHollywood Forum, based in Los Angeles. View their other events at www.ihollywoodforum.com.
Press are also invited to view exhibitors and sponsors showcasing the latest trends in innovation and design for green technologies and services for the entertainment industry.
Panel Topics Include:
It's Not Just the Color of Money: Why is Being Green Good for Business?
Some Like it Hot: But Not Planet Earth Hollywood Takes On Global Warming and Reducing Carbon Footprints
On The GreenFront: Pitching and Financing Environmentally Themed Films
If You Build It: Creating Sustainable Green Building Design and Renovation
The Customer Knows Best: Green Marketing and Advertising for Film and TV
On The Green Front: Pitching and Financing Environmentally Themed Films
Easy Rider: Fuel Saving and Energy Efficient Vehicles
The Matrix: Reducing Energy Consumption and Renewable Resources
Developing Environment Strategies for Production and Post Production
Music and Record Industry
The Paperless Chase: Adopting Paperless Practices
Special Events, Party Planning and Travel
Featured speakers and panelists include:
24 (Fox TV series) , Howard Gordon, Executive Producer
AMD, Lawrence Vertal, Senior Strategist
Akeena Solar, Barry Cinnamon, CEO; Pres. California Solar Energy Industry Assc.
BP America, Cindy Wymore, Director of Government and Public Affairs
CTG Energetics, Inc, Heather Rosenberg, Director of Sustainable Community Services
CNET Networks Inc., Michael Kanellos, Editor at Large, News.com
FOX Broadcasting Company, Josh Mark, Executive Director, Special Event Production, Creative Services
EcoMedia, Paul Polizzotto, CEO
ElectricMotors, Greg "Gadget" Abbott, Founder
EI Solutions, Andrew Beebe, President
FixingThePLanet.com, Tim Matteson, Co-founder
General Motors, TBA
Global Inheritance, Eric Ritz, Founder and Executive Director
iHollywood Forum, Michael Stroud, CEO
iHollywood Forum, Zahava Stroud, President and Event Chair
LivingHomes, Steve Glenn, Founder and CEO
Motion Picture Association of America, Melissa Patack, Vice President, California and State Government Affairs
MTV, Ian Rowe, Vice President of Public Affairs and Strategic Partnership
NRDC, Dr. Alan Hershkowitz, Senior Scientist
Office Depot, Yalmaz Siddiqui, Environmental Strategy Advisor
Ogilvy, Doug Scott, Executive Director, Branded Content and Entertainment Group
Participant Productions, Liana Schwarz. Vice President, Campaign Development and Operations
Paul Lussier, Filmmaker
Pricewaterhouse Coopers LLP, Doug Hileman, Advisory/Performance Improvement
Rainforest Alliance, Ana Paula Tavares, Deputy Director, Director of Development
ReelGreen Media, Lauren Selman, Principal
REthink, Greg Reitz , Principal
RPM Media Inc., Roberto Mitrotti , Writer/Director/Producer
SMPTE (Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers), Ujwal N. Nirgud Kar, Member
Sundance Channel Programming and Creative Affairs, Laura Michalchyshyn, Executive Vice President and General Manager
The Hollywood Hill, Ariel Hauter, Executive Director
Tree Media Group, Leila Connor Petersen, President and Co-Founder
U.S. Green Building Council, Michelle Moore, Vice President
WEA Corp., Warner Music Group's U.S. sales and retail marketing company, Mike Jbara, Executive Vice President and CEO
To view the entire agenda, go to www.hollywoodgoesgreen.com or call 310-566-7745. Tickets will offer special discounts for guilds, trade associations and non profit organization members.
About iHollywood Forum, Inc.'
Founded in 2000, Los Angeles-based iHollywood Forum, Inc. produces roundtables and business summits about Hollywood, business and technology. The summits attract a diverse mix of Hollywood and technology executives, entrepreneurs, technology executives, attorneys and others to learn and make deals in an intimate environment. Sessions are moderated by top journalists and analysts. View the website at http://www.ihollywoodforum.com/.
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