Portugal to discuss how to develop Solar Photovoltaic Electricity
"Boosting Solar Electricity in Portugal" will be held next 31st May in Lisbon. Co-organised by EPIA, the ADENE, INETI, APISOLAR, IN+/IST, APREN and EDP, the conference will review the new trends and potential of development of solar photovoltaic electricity in Portugal.
"Boosting Solar Electricity in Portugal" will be held next 31st May in Lisbon. Co-organised by the European Photovoltaic Industry Association, the ADENE, INETI, APISOLAR, IN+, APREN and EDP, the conference will review the new trends and potential of development of solar photovoltaic electricity in the sunniest country of Europe.
Over 200 delegates are expected to come from Portugal and Europe. Among these are government representatives, decision-makers, investors, photovoltaic manufacturers and researchers as well as installers.
By 2010 solar electricity can provide clean and sustainable energy to over 160 000 families in Portugal
In Europe, photovoltaic electricity is growing in the countries where adequate supportive policies have been adopted; these are Germany since 2001 and more recently Spain, Italy, France and Greece. This trend has allowed the creation of a dynamic local industry and greater awareness among the citizens. The photovoltaic sector is providing jobs to 35 000 people in Europe, over 20 000 are located in Germany. The photovoltaic industry is one of the fastest growing economic sectors globally, creating jobs and local development.
In Portugal PV is expected to power 160 000 households by 2010 if adequate measures are put in place. The current framework enabling the development of solar electricity has not yet been able to tackle the high potential of this resource.
The government has set an objective of 150 MW installed capacity by 2010. The current large-power plants which are being installed in Moura (62 MW) and in Serpa (11 MW) will certainly participate to rapidly reach this objective, however end-users have also the opportunity to install individual solar electricity systems on their roof, to enable this, the current legislation must be simplified.
Photovoltaic electricity has become a new option for those willing to invest in a clean energy future and Portugal has sun in abundance making it a privileged area to develop this form of energy. "Boosting Solar Electricity in Portugal"' will be an occasion to catch the opportunities of this challenging market.
The conference will include the following sessions:
- Policy session
- Conditions to develop photovoltaics in Portugal
- Access to the grid
- Building Integrated PV in practice
The event will start at 9h30 and will take place at the Auditório do Fórum Tecnológico, Pólo Tecnológico de Lisboa - Lote 7 - Estrada do Paço do Lumiar - 1600-546 Lisboa.
To pre-register for press accreditation go here: http://www.epia.org/08Events/Portugal2007/Lisbon2007_1.asp