Changing Attitudes Don't Lead To Changing Energy

95% of Brits have no plans to change energy to 'green'

Despite signs that Brits are becoming more environmentally aware, new research by npower[1], the UK's largest electricity supplier has shown that as few as 5% are considering changing to 'green' electricity from renewable sources, while nearly three quarters (70%) have no plans to make their homes greener.

Microgeneration measures that enable consumers to produce their own energy and dramatically reduce or even cancel utility bills, haven't yet reached critical mass, with only 2.6% of consumers considering installing a wind turbine and 4.5% considering switching to solar panels in the future.

Robert Harper, environment and renewables manager, commented "Consumers believe that changing energy to 'greener' alternatives is complicated and expensive, but it is the simple, little things you can do that help save you money and the environment at the same time. For instance, switching to energy saving light bulbs can help reduce your carbon emissions by 48kg per year, while reducing your lighting costs by up to £100[2].

"Eco-friendly electricity from renewable sources, such as npower Juice[3], is also another simple option at no extra cost - within minutes you can reduce your carbon footprint and lower the nation's carbon emissions at the same time. It is as simple as picking up a phone."

When considering changing energy to more efficient alternatives in the home, consumers were most influenced by saving money (77%), followed by environmental concerns (67%), preserving the world for future generations (46%) and lastly, pressure and guilt from the media (7%).

The research also illustrated that the most popular forms of energy saving measures within the home, were also the cheapest and easiest, including - switching to energy saving light bulbs and loft or cavity wall insulation.

Energy Saving Measures Current energy saving measures in home Plans to change to in the next year
Double glazing 86.2% 5.1%
Loft or cavity wall insulation 77.1% 8.8%
Energy efficient light bulbs 77.1% 11.6%
Insulation round hot water tank 62.3% 2.5%
Green eco-friendly electricity from renewable sources 3.6% 4.9%
Other 3.4%
None 1.9%
Solar Panels 1.4% 4.5%
Wind Turbines 0.1% 2.6%

Changing energy - what's in-store for the future?
With renewable forms of energy evolving on a daily basis, a quarter of respondents (27%) believe that we will soon be using cars run on cooking oil and grease from battered food, while 6% think electricity generated from cow pats is the way of the future.

[1] Tickbox Survey (3rd - 8th May 2007), total survey sample base of 1,192 adults, secondary base of 885 homeowners around the country
[2] Source: Energy Saving Trust, 2006
[3] npower Juice is clean, green electricity at no extra cost to you or the planet. Juice is generated from a number of renewable energy sources, primarily at North Hoyle Offshore Wind Farm. As a Juice customer, npower matches every unit of normal electricity that you use and feeds the same amount, generated from renewable sources, into the electricity network.

The npower Juice Fund is used to assist the development of projects in marine and tidal renewable energy. npower makes an annual contribution of £10 for every customer that stays with Juice.

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