An update on All-Energy 07 - the largest renewable energy exhibition and conference in the UK. It takes place in Aberdeen, Scotland 23-24 May 2007. The exhibition, conference and Giant Networking Evening are all free to attend for all with a professional or business interest in renewable energy
Take conference sessions on every form of renewable energy source and the challenges and opportunities facing the industry; mix liberally with a major exhibition reflecting activity in this rapidly expanding industry; and add in networking opportunities in plenty and you have the recipe for All-Energy '07, the UK's largest renewable energy exhibition and conference held every May in Aberdeen.
This year's, the seventh - and largest - in the annual series being held 23-24 May at Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre is a true 'milestone event'. There are over 300 exhibiting companies from home and overseas and a conference programme involving over 160 speakers; and there is every expectation that the 2006 record of 2850 participants will be comfortably passed. Nothing could mirror better the growth of business interest globally in renewable energy, brought about by the well publicised mixture of concerns over climate change; security of supply and need for indigenous power.
Large range of exhibits
There is a far larger range of exhibits at this year's event than ever before - they represent every sector of the industry from large wind developments to all forms of microgeneration; wave and tidal devices from home and overseas (probably the largest gathering of them ever); and large-scale biomass and fuel from waste plants to wood chip boilers.
With large pavilions from Aberdeen City and Shire; and the Highlands and Islands - including an Orkney Islands area; and from Austria, Denmark, Canada, Denmark and the USA and individual exhibits from Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Ireland. New Zealand, Thailand and the USA there is a rich choice of exhibits designed to meet the interests of major onshore and offshore project developers to architects and builders and all engaged with ensuring that buildings are increasingly energy efficient; financiers to manufacturers; academics to farmers. It's an almost endless list of people who could benefit from wider knowledge of what is on offer; and the opportunity to meet those actively involved face-to-face.
The free-to-attend conference
The opening plenary session will be addressed by UK Energy Minister, Lord Truscott; a Minister from the Scottish Executive (All-Energy is being held after the Scottish Parliament Elections); and H.E. Robert H. Tuttle, the US Ambassador, before the conference splits into parallel sessions looking at policy - 'the countdown to 2010'; onshore wind; wave and tidal power; carbon capture and storage; finance and funding; skills opportunities and challenges (teachers most welcome to attend!); supply chain opportunities; overseas market opportunities; and with technical workshops on radar/aviation and health and safety.
The policy session is going to be a real draw, for outspoken representatives of the various sectors of the industry will have time to pick the one "silver bullet" - be it a piece of legislation or a government initiative (and these can be real or wished for) that will really get their sector of the industry flying!
Hydrogen and fuel cells come under the spotlight on both days thanks to the inaugural "H207: The USA & Europe Getting Down to Business" two-day conference and exhibition pavilion that are an integral part of All-Energy.
The second day of All-Energy will be something of a call to arms as guest speakers from home and overseas look at 'Curbing the Carbon: Balancing the Economics" in the plenary session - they include Brian Wilson, a former Energy Minister; Michael Raymont of EnergyINet from Canada; and Michael Taylor of the IEA who will follow Rob Harrison of the Met Office Hadley Centre with his scene setting presentation.
And then, in parallel sessions, speakers will go on to discuss industry views on the Energy White Paper; offshore wind; hydro; the challenges of the grid; renewables for communities; bioenergy (biomass and biofuels); and microgeneration. The conference will continue looking at the hydrogen and fuel cell industry via H207, which will end with a magic show aimed at debunking many of the myths surrounding hydrogen; and this year sees the introduction of a special session for farmers looking at whether they should be feeding or fuelling the nation; and at means of funding their renewable energy efforts.
Throughout the event and reflecting the greater overseas involvement there will be "Innovation from….." sessions featuring exhibitors taking part in the national pavilions from Austria, Canada, Denmark and Norway; and there will also be a highly topical 'reducing your organisation's carbon footprint' one-to-one clinic.
And on the day after All-Energy closes, there are technical tours planned to a biogas plant on a farm and to the Glens of Foudland windfarm.
Networking is key to the success of All-Energy The renewable energy industry is very much one where networking is proving invaluable as it brings together so many people from different backgrounds all eager to stimulate and satisfy the increasing need within the UK of generating power and heat from renewable sources.
The show begins with its now traditional Business Breakfast organised by the Aberdeen and Grampian Chamber of Commerce (details on speakers and cost of attending at
On the evening of 23 May there will be a Civic Reception hosted by AberdeenCity Council followed immediately by a Giant Networking Evening with a circus theme - called, slightly tongue in cheek "Cirque du Tout Energie" - that is open to all participants be they speakers, exhibitors, visitors or journalists. Up to a thousand are expected to mix and mingle and carry on the discussions of the day.
Admission to the exhibition, conference and Giant Networking Evening is free of charge to all with a professional interest in renewable energy and