Ontario challenges rest of Canada … and the US … for energy efficiency supremacy

Province of Ontario to ban incandesent lights by 2012.

Media Release - April 18, 2007 - For Immediate Release

Ontario challenges rest of Canada … and the US … for energy efficiency supremacy

(Toronto, Ontario) Today's announcement by Ontario's Minister of Energy Dwight Duncan is beginning to show just how serious he is about energy efficiency. With energy efficiency being identified as a significant contributor to the Ontario Power Authority's (OPA) Integrated Power System Plan, it is essential that energy efficiency programs deliver savings that ensure the lights stay on in your home all year long.

The programs set to be implemented this summer are a major step forward, and have been proven effective in test markets throughout the province. The programs set to be implemented this summer are a major step forward, and have been proven effective in test markets throughout the province. Five of the key programs include:
• A Beer Fridge Bounty program that will help take old, inefficient appliances out of service. Unplugging 1,000 old refrigerators will save enough electricity to supply more than 130 homes. Unplug the potential in Ontario and we're that much closer to taking a coal fired generating plant off line.
• A Peak Reduction program that will reduce energy use during peak demand. Subscribers to this voluntary program can have a device installed that allows system operators to turn down air conditioners, pool pumps and water heaters for short periods when supply is stretched.
• A Summer Savings 10/10 program that will offer residential and small business consumers an incentive for reducing power use. Cutting use by 10 per cent during a set period gives consumers an additional 10 per cent rebate on their electricity bills.
• A Cool Savings rebate program that provides rebates for central air conditioner tune-ups, the installation of energy efficient central air conditioner systems and programmable thermostats.
• An Every Kilowatt Counts program that provides coupon incentives for Ontario households to purchase energy efficient products.
More information about each of these programs can be found at www.conservationbureau.on.ca.

Consumers have to understand that there is nothing to fear from energy efficiency - making the right decisions in your home won't affect how you live - but it will affect how much it costs to run your home. Failure to understand the need for energy efficiency will also put the province in a serious energy short fall if we don't all do our part to conserve.

A bright idea! Will save you money and you won't notice the difference!

Along with today's announcement, Minister Duncan said Ontario will be the first province to introduce aggressive new standards for lighting. This will likely result in the end of the incandescent light bulb in the not too distant future. Minister Duncan's plan is to remove the bulbs from retail shelves by 2012 - the most aggressive position in the world! While to some this may be viewed as a radical move, it will have the most dramatic impact on our electricity use. Throwing out the old light bulbs will likely ensure our lights (CFL's & LED's) will actually stay on!

"Ontarians must understand the implications of energy efficiency," said Ken Elsey, President of the Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance. "While introducing energy efficient practices in your home is now important - we have only just started to see what is in store for the future. Efficiency will be the driver in all our future purchasing decisions."

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For more information contact:

Ken Elsey, Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance, (905) 614-1641,

The Canadian Energy Efficiency Alliance (CEEA), a broad-based, not-for-profit organization, was established (1995) to respond to the lack of a coordinated multi-stakeholder effort to promote energy efficiency in Canada, leading to enhanced competitiveness and improved environmental protection. The Alliance works in partnership with manufacturers, utilities, governments, builders, labour, consumer groups, and environmental organizations to facilitate the adoption of energy efficiency measures in Canada. The Alliance is supported through fees and project contributions from members.

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