Canada's Environment Minister Understands the Issue but not the Solution

Canada could cover more than half of its GHG emission shortfall by encouraging the use of renewable energy 'Green Heat' systems using geothermal heat pumps, solar thermal and biomass.

Federal environment minister Rona Ambrose has done her math on Canada's Kyoto targets, but she has completely missed a solution.

Canada's emission of greenhouse gas (GHG) in 2004 was 195 megatonne (Mt) above our commitment to the Kyoto protocol but, in explaining the magnitude of this shortfall, she said 195 Mt is equivalent to shutting down every Canadian home four times over.

In 2003, GHG emission from ALL homes was 80 Mt, of which 16 Mt was due to coal-fired and other 'dirty' sources of electricity. A full 80% (64 Mt) was due to the limited use of Green Heat solutions for space conditioning and water heating, from geothermal heat pump, solar thermal and biomass systems.

The Green Heat Global partnership says another 45 Mt came from space heating and cooling in the commercial sector and, combined, homes and offices could displace the annual emission of 109 Mt, more than half of Canada's target. Not only would the greater use of geothermal, solar thermal and biomass avoid the need to "shut down" homes, consumers would experience higher interior comfort, lower operating costs by three-quarters, and help to create 75,000 new jobs in Ontario alone.

Instead, Ottawa is directing most of its minuscule funding to outside coalitions that are actually harming the industry, and now has frozen all rebates under the only incentive program.

The Green Heat Global partnership is administered by the Canadian Association for Renewable Energies (we c.a.r.e.) to promote the use of Green Heat technologies in Canada.

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