Xantrex supports California anti-idling campaign
ARLINGTON, WASHINGTON, October 3, 2005 - Xantrex Technology Inc. (TSX:XTX) is partnering with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) and the California Energy Commission (CEC) to support a heavy-duty truck anti-idling campaign.
ARLINGTON, WASHINGTON, October 3, 2005 - Xantrex Technology Inc. (TSX:XTX) is partnering with the Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD) and the California Energy Commission (CEC) to support a heavy-duty truck anti-idling campaign. The Idle Reduction Inverter/Charger Incentive Program is a green energy initiative that aims to educate truck drivers on alternative power solutions to reduce idling of truck engines to reduce air emissions. Truck drivers idle their engines in order to generate electricity to power on-board electrical and electronic equipment.
The US Energy Policy Act of 2005, passed in August, acknowledges the importance of anti-idling equipment for heavy-duty trucks to reduce fuel consumption and emissions. Anti-idling laws have been adopted in many states in recent years, including California, and this new federal legislation allows a 400 pound weight increase for trucks equipped with idle-reduction technology. This is part of a continuing trend that Xantrex serves, and its products are well-positioned to become the preferred idle-reduction solution in the trucking industry.
The Idle Reduction Inverter/Charger Incentive Program is a unique truck idle-reduction program because it joins municipal, state, and federal agencies with private companies to assist truckers in acquiring the equipment needed to reduce idling. The campaign will make truck drivers more aware of the power options available to help them comply with these federal and state regulations, and Xantrex inverter/chargers are at the heart of this system solution.
Xantrex is providing up to 100 Fleet Power 1000 watt HDT Inverter/Chargers to be installed in heavy-duty trucks that frequent the Sacramento area in support of the campaign and incentive program. Xantrex inverter/chargers convert DC power into 120 volt AC power to operate household devices in the truck cab. At travel plazas, truck drivers can use the built-in battery charger and AC pass-through to recharge batteries and power appliances using a shore power connection. This helps reduce idle time because powering appliances is the second biggest reason trucks idle, next to heating and cooling needs. Drivers can add a few deep cycle batteries for extended use during rests. The Xantrex Fleet Power 1000 HDT Inverter/Charger and any additional batteries are well within the federal 400 pound weight limit, allowing drivers to comply with anti-idling laws and meet new weight restrictions, while still powering on-board appliances.
The campaign kicked-off September 13, 2005, with an Idle Reduction Technology Fair at the 49er Travel Plaza in Sacramento, California. "The purpose of the fair was to introduce alternative systems and solutions for providing on-board power during rest periods, without idling the main engine," said SMUD project manager Brad Vincent.
Truck drivers who filled-out a SMUD survey at the event, and agreed to provide engine idle information and a follow up survey, received a coupon for a Xantrex Inverter/Charger Kit. The kit includes a Fleet Power 1000 HDT Inverter/Charger, a remote control, and the necessary cables and wiring, along with a shore power plug for use at locations where plug-in power is available. Qualified drivers have until December 15th, 2005 to redeem the coupons with Xantrex, and receive the kits, which are valued at $1200.
"This campaign demonstrates Xantrex's commitment to the future of heavy-duty trucking," said Richard Gaudet, Xantrex director of commercial sales. "We are providing environmentally friendly alternatives to truck idling by leveraging existing proven technology."
About Xantrex
Xantrex Technology Inc. (www.xantrex.com) is a world leader in the development, manufacturing and marketing of advanced power electronic products and systems for the distributed, mobile and programmable power markets. The company's products convert raw electrical power from any central, distributed, or backup power source into high-quality power required by electronic and electrical equipment. Headquartered in Vancouver, British Columbia, the company has facilities in Arlington, Washington; Livermore, California; Elkhart, Indiana; Barcelona, Spain; Beijing, China; and Reading, England.
Note that this news release contains forward-looking statements related to Xantrex Technology Inc. Such statements reflect the current views of Xantrex with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from those contemplated in these forward-looking statements.
This program was funded in part by the CEC through a US Department of Energy grant with matching funds from Xantrex, SMUD, and SMAQMD. This project does not necessarily reflect the views of the Federal Government, SMAQMD, SMUD, the CEC or the State of California.
Media Contact:
Cathy Gibson
Xantrex Technology Inc.
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