NREL Expo to Showcase Energy Products and Services Solar and Building Technologies for Homes and Businesses Featured

The Expo will feature educational presentations, children's activities, and a showcase of energy products and services for homes and businesses. It is free to the public.

Golden, Colo., July 25, 2005 - Consumers can learn how to save energy and money at the U.S. Department of Energy's National Renewable Energy Laboratory's (NREL) NREL Residential & Commercial Building Expo from 9 a.m. - 3 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 6 at the NREL Visitors Center. The Expo will feature educational presentations, children's activities, and a showcase of energy products and services for homes and businesses. It is free to the public.

NREL experts and representatives from local businesses and organizations specializing in renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies will be on hand to answer questions and provide product and service demonstrations. Education sessions on energy-efficient technologies, solar-water heating, solar-electric systems, wind power, building materials and energy efficient designs for homes and commercial businesses will be conducted throughout the day.

Children can learn about energy through special activities and by visiting NREL's Renewable Energy and Energy Education on Wheels bus and trailer which features information and exhibits for students and teachers on renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. The vehicle features working demonstrations of solar, wind and hydrogen power generation.

Special tours of NREL's Solar Energy Research Facility (SERF) will be offered hourly for individuals 12- years of age and older. Pre-registration by is encouraged, as there is limited space available for the tours. U.S. citizens who are 18-years of age and older must present a government-issued photo identification card (driver's license) to participate in the tour. Non-U.S. citizens must pre-register by Aug. 2 and follow additional identification requirements. Register for tours by calling the NREL Visitors Center at 303-384-6565.

The NREL Visitors Center is located at 15013 Denver West Parkway in Golden. To get to the Visitors Center, take I-70 to Denver West Boulevard, Exit 263, and travel north to Denver West Parkway. Turn left and continue past the Marriott Hotel to the NREL Visitors Center. Follow signs to designated parking areas. Shuttle service to the Visitors Center will be provided. Handicapped parking will be available at the Visitors Center.

NREL is the U.S. Department of Energy's primary national laboratory for renewable energy and energy efficiency research and development. NREL is operated for DOE by Midwest Research Institute and Battelle.
NREL Residential & Commercial Building Expo

Education Presentations

"An Introduction to Energy-Efficient, Solar-Powered Buildings"
9 a.m. - 10:15 a.m.
Presented by John P. Thornton, Principal Engineer, NREL's National Center for Photovoltaics

"Passive Strategies for the Home and Business"
10:15 a.m. - 11 a.m.
Presented by Fred Andrea, Principal Architect, Unit Design Studio

"Introducing the 2005 Habitat for Humanity Net-Zero Energy House"
11 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Presented by Ron Judkoff, Director, NREL's Center for Buildings and Thermal Systems

"Insulating Concrete Forms and Energy Savings"
11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Presented by Terry Hale, Greenblock Worldwide

"Tankless Water Heating, Hydronics and Energy/Water Conservation"
12:30 p.m. - 1 p.m.
Presented by Dave Emmitt, Direct Drive Service, Inc. and Go Tankless of Colorado

"Introducing the Boulder Green Building (BGBG) and Green Building Efforts in Colorado's Front Range"
1 p.m. - 2 p.m.
Presented by Kim Masters and David Johnston, Boulder Green Building Guild

Visit the NREL Visitors Center Web site, , for additional information and additional education session times.


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