SolWest Fair: Powering the Good Life with Renewable Energy

Over 2,000 people from the western US and beyond will converge on the Grant County Fairgrounds in John Day, Oregon, for SolWest Fair July 29th-31st, to learn about renewable energy and how they can use it to improve their lives.

Over 2,000 people from the western US and beyond will converge on the Grant County Fairgrounds in John Day, Oregon, for SolWest Fair July 29th-31st, to learn about renewable energy and how they can use it to improve their lives. Ranchers looking to power remote stock watering, rural residents with homes far from power lines, and urbanites wanting to reduce energy consumption and power bills will attend workshops, examine displays of information and equipment, and share their enthusiasm for energy made from sun, wind and water. Fairgoers may purchase complete solar electric systems and components, solar hot water systems, solar and wind-driven pumps, hydro systems suitable for the smallest springs to large streams, solar roofing and home plans, home-scale wind generators, efficient lighting and appliances, books and magazines, biodiesel processors and fuels, and much more.

SolWest is the most comprehensive energy fair in the northwest. Experts from all over the western US will offer fifty workshops free with fair admission for all ages and levels of expertise, including "Saving Your Green Energy," "Solar Food Drying," "Solar Water Pumping," "Profitable Solar Business in Oregon," "Hydro Power," "Sustainable Urban Homestead," and "Water Efficiency."

Activities during the weekend include Electrathon mini-electric car racing, and a Silent Auction of renewable energy-related goods and services. Childcare and children's workshops will be offered. Radio SolWest will be broadcasting from the fairgrounds on solar power. Anyone who brings an alternatively-fueled vehicle for display will get a discounted fair pass. Camping is available, and volunteers get in and camp free.

Extended learning opportunities at this year's SolWest Fair include a pre-fair solar electric backup system installation workshop instructed by Kent Osterberg of Sunlight Solar Energy.

The SolWest Fair program is posted at, and can be requested at: SolWest/EORenew, PO Box 485, Canyon City OR 97820. 541-575-3633 or SolWest is organized by EORenew, a nonprofit organization.

Featured Product

QuickBOLT - QB RibRider: Flexible, Fast, and Secure Solar Mounting for Metal Roofs

QuickBOLT - QB RibRider: Flexible, Fast, and Secure Solar Mounting for Metal Roofs

The QB RibRider™ is an adjustable and easy-to-place mount for exposed fastener and trapezoidal ribbed roofs, combining versatility with robust construction. It features a 90/180 mounting combo with 75mm butyl pads on the base for superior weatherproofing. The RibRider is designed to fit most exposed fastener, trapezoidal, and ribbed metal roof profiles. This mount features stainless steel roof brackets and comes with four #14 x 1-1/4" hex washer self-drilling screws, ensuring a secure attachment to the roof.