REFF-WS 2005: Renewable Energy Finance Forum - Wall Street 2005
Renewable Energy Finance Forum - Wall Street 2005 (REFF): Wall Street to Address Financing of National Energy Security and Climate Change
REFF-WS 2005 will bring the financial community together to identify the major opportunities and issues facing leaders and investors in the US renewables market.
Topics covered will include innovations in project finance, institutional and governmental investment, venture capital and private equity, trading Renewable Energy Credits and carbon credits, and case studies and discussion on the financing of wind power, solar, hydropower, geothermal, biomass, biofuels, and waste energy projects.
Keynote speakers will include the Honorable George E. Pataki, Governor of New York, the Honorable Philip Angelides, Treasurer of California, Tom Carbone, President, Vestas America, and Alex Urquhart, President and CEO, GE Commercial Finance, Energy Financial Services.
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