- Focus on Energy's Business Programs helps implement energy efficient improvements -
WAUSAU, Wis. (April 18, 2005) - Riiser Energy, owner and operator of 23 gas stations and convenience stores in the central Wisconsin area, will save more than $8,000 a year in energy costs by reducing their electricity consumption. The savings are a result of the installation of anti-sweat heater controls on existing cooler and freezer display cases at their convenience stores. The controls ensure the heaters, which eliminate sweat on the glass, are used only when necessary. Riiser Energy partnered with Focus on Energy's Business Programs to implement the new energy efficient technology. Focus on Energy offered incentives that helped offset the cost of the project.
The project came about when DeAnn Handschke from Riiser Energy attended the Petroleum Marketers Association of Wisconsin / Wisconsin Association of Convenience Stores Annual Convention and spoke with a Focus on Energy representative about possible energy conservation strategies for their business. Focus on Energy visited several Riiser sites and made recommendations for various energy conservation projects including anti-sweat heater controls for their freezer and cooler units.
Focus on Energy's Grocery Team - a division of Focus on Energy's Business Programs - was looking for a test site to install anti-sweat heater controls. Riiser Energy agreed that if the project proved cost effective in one location, they would install the controls in their other 22 stores. The controls were installed in the test location on November 18, 2004, and data was gathered, analyzed and savings were reported to Riiser Energy. Based on the positive results the company decided to install the controls in their other locations in March 2005.
"With utility rates rising each year, it was necessary to look at alternative methods to reduce our energy consumption and save money that could be better spent on improving our business and operations," said DeAnn Handschke, human resources and safety manager. "Working with Focus on Energy has been a good experience. They were very helpful in getting the appropriate contacts and information."
Anti-sweat heater controls are relatively inexpensive, easy to install and - in the case of Riiser Energy - will pay for themselves in 2.5 years. Since most grocery and convenience stores run their anti-sweat heaters continuously regardless of humidity levels, the energy efficient controls prove to be a great solution for keeping energy costs down. The models installed at Riiser stores need to run continuously only when a store's relative humidity reaches 55 percent and condensation is likely.
Anti-sweat heater controls save money and energy as well. They run less often so the refrigeration system does not have to compensate for the extra heat generated.
"Energy is a controllable operating cost, therefore every penny saved on energy contributes to improved profit margins for the company," said Liesel Schulte, an Energy Advisor with Focus on Energy. "With the installation of anti-sweat heater controls we can ensure that the heaters operate only when necessary."
For more information about anti-sweat heater controls or Focus on Energy's Business Programs, call Focus on Energy at 800.762.7077 or visit focusonenergy.com.
About Focus on Energy
Focus on Energy is a public-private partnership offering energy information and services to energy utility customers throughout Wisconsin. The goals of this program are to encourage energy efficiency and use of renewable energy, enhance the environment and ensure the future supply of energy for Wisconsin. Since July 2001, the program has helped Wisconsin's businesses and residents cut their utility bills by more than $61 million - reducing their energy consumption by more than 572 million kilowatt-hours and more than 27 million therms of natural gas. For more information, call 800.762.7077 or visit focusonenergy.com.
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