REEEP to Help Mexico Assess Wind Resources

Following the Mexican government's announcement that it would be joining the Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Partnership (REEEP), Mexico is to seek REEEP's help in assessing the potential of the country's wind resources.

Mexico announced that it would be joining the REEEP at last week's G8 Energy and Environment Ministers Roundtable held in London. The REEEP is a global partnership of governments, businesses, and NGOs that was launched at the World Summit for Sustainable Development in 2002.

Mexico is looking to accelerate the regulatory and legal changes necessary to encourage the incorporation of renewable energies into its national energy policy, and to expand energy efficiency. Mexico has asked the REEEP to utilize the experience of its partners to assist with the development of methodologies to determine the contribution of intermittent renewable energies, such as wind power, to the Mexican national grid system. The REEEP is currently assisting Mexico ascertain the potential of CDM credits for biogas projects in the agricultural sector.

"Mexico is looking to foster capacity building and to disseminate the benefits of clean energy technologies through its cooperation with other REEEP members," said Fernando Elizondo Barragán, Mexican Secretary for Energy. "Determining the potential contribution of wind power, will enable us to take advantage of the world first class wind resources with which Mexico is endowed. It will also help Mexico to improve energy security and to promote sustainable development."

Commenting on Mexico's request for assistance to accelerate the regulatory and legal changes necessary to promote wind, Dr. Marianne Osterkorn, international director of the REEEP, said: "REEEP has been working hard to encourage regulatory and legislative change internationally to enable renewable energy resources to be incorporated into the energy mix. Mexico's proactive stance in seeking our support in assessing the impact of wind is to be welcomed and encouraged."

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