Mitsubishi Electric US Enters Photovoltaic Module Market

High efficiency panels available in 120 and 165 watt output models

CYPRESS, Calif., Jan. 11, 2005 --- Mitsubishi Electric & Electronics USA, Inc. has announced its entry into the growing US solar/photovoltaic (PV) module market, with two high efficiency modules that contain no lead solder. The company will initially focus on the southwestern United States through its network of dealers and distributors, and expand to other regions in the months ahead.

Mitsubishi Electric's entry into the US market comes at a time of increasing awareness and acceptance of alternative energy sources, particularly in California and the southwest.

"As its benefits become more defined and quantifiable, people are becoming more receptive to alternative sources of energy, especially solar energy," explains Vern Kowitz, manager for Mitsubishi Electric US' photovoltaic division. "PV systems can save money, and they're not impacted by price fluctuations in the energy market. Also, many people are motivated by PV's positive impact on the environment and society. And many states, even the federal government, offer incentives for installing PV systems in homes and businesses, which will generate even more interest."

Designed for both commercial and residential applications, Mitsubishi Electric's PV modules contain lead-free solder. Instead of lead solder coating for the cells, Mitsubishi Electric developed silver electrodes that offer superior weatherproofing and higher PV module conversion efficiency.

Currently, Mitsubishi Electric offers dealers and distributors two module options: 120 watts and 165 watts. According to Kowitz, inventory will be geared up in time for the spring installation season.

Mitsubishi Electric is recognized as a world leader in solar energy technology. The company began building solar-powered satellites in the 1970s, and recently expanded its Japanese factories' module production capabilities in response to growing worldwide demand. In March 2004, the company introduced its new module for the stand-alone PV electricity generating system, which will be sold in areas of the world where electrical infrastructures are insufficient or non-existing.

For more information about Mitsubishi Electric PV systems, visit, or call 714.229.3814.

Mitsubishi Electric Photovoltaic Systems Division is part of Mitsubishi Electric US Holdings, Inc., which represents roughly a dozen companies that market an extensive line of consumer, commercial and industrial electronics products. These include semiconductor devices; high-definition televisions, DVD players and VCRs; stadium display screens; automotive electronics; elevators and escalators; heating and air conditioning systems; factory automation equipment; power products and systems; and other items. To learn more about the full family of Mitsubishi Electric US products, visit

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