Electric vehicle and renewable energy firm signs intent with leading hispanic executive to manage government relations, public affairs and Caribbean/Latin American distribution.

MT. VERNON, New York, November 19, 2004 - Electric vehicle and renewable energy consulting firm Electric Transportation Solutions (ETS) and Ruben Estrada of Orange County, N.Y., today signed a letter of intent to make Estrada an equity partner in the corporation.

Estrada has a broad background in government affairs, political campaigns, community relations, diversity programs, public relations, advertising, legislation, research and business. Over a 20-year career he developed a reputation for creating and growing businesses and implementing successful public relations campaigns, strategic alliances and government affairs programs.

"I am pleased to sign this letter which begins the process of making Mr. Estrada an equity member of ETS," said ETS President and Managing Member Seth Leitman. "Mr. Estrada has been here from the beginning; he has supported this company and our efforts. He has worked tirelessly to bring electric vehicles and renewable energy into the marketplace because they are important to the environment, the cost of energy and our national security."

In his first months working for ETS as a consultant, Estrada concentrated on government relations. He developed strategic relationships with the Hispanic market and began developing the company's marketing campaign.

Said Estrada: "This is a very exciting time to get involved a company that is a leader in alternative energy and fuel solutions. Oil is directly linked to our country's war on terror. ETS is taking one small step toward breaking the cycle of dependency on imported oil."

He continued: "Just as important as becoming a leader in the alternative energy and transportation market, ETS will also be a leader in promoting Hispanic ownership, diversity, environmental justice and better air quality for minorities."

Estrada has been active civic groups, Hispanic business associations and political organizations including Youth Organization United, St. Paul, Minnesota and El Barrio Economic Development Corporation, East Harlem, New York City. He was chairman of the Board of Massive Economic Neighborhood Development Corporation, New York, New York; Architect and Co-Founder of the Madison Avenue Initiative, New York, New York. He served as a consultant to the U.S. Department of Commerce Minority Business Development Agency, Boone Young and Associates (largest African American management consulting firm) New York, New York and the National Conference of Black Mayors.

ETS, based in Mt. Vernon, New York, markets a virtual department store of electric vehicles from The company also offers consulting expertise aimed at ultimately supplying these scooters, bikes and cars with power from the wind and sun.

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Vecoplan - Planning and implementation of complete processing plants in refuse derived fuel production

Vecoplan - Planning and implementation of complete processing plants in refuse derived fuel production

In order to reduce the costs involved in the energy-intensive production of cement, many manufacturers are turning to refuse-derived fuels (RDF), considerably reducing the proportion of expensive primary fuels they would normally use. Solid fuels are being increasingly used - these might be used tyres, waste wood or mixtures of plastics, paper, composite materials and textiles. Vecoplan provides operators of cement plants with proven and robust components for conveying the material and separating iron and impurities, efficient receiving stations, storage systems and, of course, efficient shredders for an output in various qualities.