ACORE Establishes New Paths to Renewable Energy in China

Appoints Qin Haiyan as China Co-Chair of International Committee

Beijing, China, November 7, 2004. The American Council On Renewable Energy (ACORE) completed a week of meetings with officials in Beijing to open new paths for US-China cooperation and trade in renewable energy.

Representing the US at China's first major international wind power conference, ACORE President Michael Eckhart said: "China is at the dawn of a huge market for renewable energy." He met with leaders of the National Reform and Development Commission (NDRC), the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST), the Chinese Solar Energy Society, and the ExIm Bank of China.

ACORE expanded its China activities by appointing Qin Haiyan, General Manager of China General Certification Center, as China Co-chair of its International Committee. Mr. Qin, on behalf of the Chinese Wind Energy Association, organized the wind power conference at which over 1,000 people attended and 80 companies exhibited including the major wind turbine manufacturers GE, Vestas, Gamesa, Suzlon, Nordex, Siemens/Bonus, REPower, and others.

"Renewable Energy will increase after the new Renewable Energy Law is passed next year," said Mr. Qin. "Wind power will develop very quickly with a plan for 20,000 megawatts by 2020. There will be additional business in solar, hydro, geothermal, ocean, and biomass energy."

Germany was well represented at the conference, with a delegation led by Environment Minister Jurgen Trittin and Bundestag member Hermann Scheer. "Germany and other European countries have early ties with China on politics, industry and science," said Wolfgang Palz, European Co-Chairman of ACORE's International Committee. "But ACORE is becoming a serious contributor to worldwide renewable energy promotion, and will have a leading role for Americans doing business in China."

"Business footholds in renewable energy are being established before the new law is passed, and Americans should be here now, including turbine technology suppliers, project developers, operators, service providers, and investors." said Mr. Eckhart. The future wind power market in China is estimated to be worth $2 billion/year to $5 billion/year by 2020, according to respected speakers at the conference.

ACORE also participated in the organizing meeting for, and agreed to support, China's plans to create a new annual conference entitled "World Renewable Energy Forum - Renewable Energy in China" to be held September 2005 in Beijing. ACORE will organize a US trade mission to the 2005 conference, in cooperation with US renewable energy trade associations and government agencies.

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ACORE, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization based in Washington, DC, is focused on bringing renewable energy into the mainstream of the American economy. ACORE covers wind, solar, hydro, ocean, geothermal, and biomass forms of energy, and implements programs in trade, finance and policy through national conferences, information, and communications, and through international programs.

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