Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Fair

The Fair, dated June 18-20, 2004 in Custer, WI, features workshops, exhibits and displays on renewable energy and sustainable living topics.

This year, the Midwest Renewable Energy Association will be celebrating the 15th anniversary of the Renewable Energy and Sustainable Living Fair.

The Fair is the world's largest and longest running event of it's kind, featuring hundreds of workshops, exhibits, and displays on earth friendly topics.

Featured speakers this year include: Richard Perez, publisher and editor of Home Power magazine, the hands-on journal of home-made power; John Stauber, the executive director and founder of the Center for Media and Democracy, and co-author of Toxic Sludge is Good for You. Mad Cow USA, Trust Us We're Experts, and Weapons of Mass Deception; Richard Heinberg, author of The Party's Over; and Amy Goodman, host and executive producer of Democracy Now!

Entertainment guests this year include: Scott Stieber, Je Ne Sais Quoi Jug Band, Orlow & Adrian, Baba Ghanooj, the Kissing Saints, the Reverend Eddie Danger, Green Tea, Sinister Dane and the Kickapoo Disco Cosmonauts, Patchouli, and the Reptile Palace Orchestra.

Featured Product

Raptor Maps - The integrated operating system for end-to-end solar management

Raptor Maps - The integrated operating system for end-to-end solar management

Operate autonomous drones and other robotics technology on your solar farms with Raptor Maps' robotics operations platform. Our end-to-end solution allows you to build and schedule data collection missions, to analyze collected data through our analytics engine, and to address identified issues through our remediation intelligence suite. From construction monitoring to substation inspections to SCADA-alert generation missions, Raptor Robotics gives your team unparalleled insights into the health and status of your project. Improve the safety, efficiency, and scale of your operations with Raptor Robotics.