Cruisin' Southern Cal: 2004 Fuel Cell Vehicle Road Rally
Zero-emission, hydrogen-fueled fuel cell cars from the CaFCP's eight automakers will drive from Los Angeles to San Diego, with "whistle-stops" in several communities throughout the region.
The California Fuel Cell Partnership ( will take its public outreach and awareness tour to the Southern California coast this summer with its 3rd Annual fuel cell electric vehicle road rally. The caravan-style drive will take place September 17 - 19, 2004.
Zero-emission, hydrogen-fueled fuel cell cars from the CaFCP's eight automakers will drive from Los Angeles to San Diego, with "whistle-stops" in several communities throughout the region. CaFCP's energy members will oversee hydrogen refueling, and other members will lend support through education and technical displays as well as volunteer services.
"The CaFCP's Road Rallies have reached over 200,000 Californians in the last two years," said Firoz Rasul, Chairman of Ballard Power Systems and 2004 CaFCP Chair. "It's a unique opportunity for the public to see first-hand this zero-emission, high-performing, environmentally-friendly automotive engine of the future."
These advanced vehicles use hydrogen fuel and oxygen from air, creating energy to drive the electric motor. The byproducts of their operation are just heat and water vapor, making them the ideal "zero emission" vehicle. Raising public awareness and acceptance is one of the most important elements of accelerating fuel cell technology towards commercialization, and a key goal of the CaFCP.
Additionally, hydrogen infrastructure will be demonstrated during the event, as California moves to the forefront of establishing a network of hydrogen fueling stations.
WHAT: "Cruisin' Southern Cal: 2004 Fuel Cell Vehicle Road Rally" - to demonstrate the capabilities and technology of fuel cell mobility on a 3-day, 200-mile caravan of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles; public events, including test-ride opportunities, will be held along the way.
WHEN: September 17 - 19, 2004
WHO: The CaFCP (, whose members include automakers, energy companies, fuel cell technology developers, and government agencies.
WHERE: The CaFCP Road Rally begins in the Los Angeles area, then to Long Beach, through Orange County communities, and on to San Diego.
WHY: Fuel cell vehicles represent a new approach to zero-emission mobility through vehicle and fuel technology advancements — support from President Bush and California Governor Schwarzenegger has accelerated efforts to address remaining commercialization issues for fuel cell vehicles. This technology is being developed by the auto, technology, and energy companies because of its potential to deliver energy efficiency, fuel flexibility, and clean-air benefits.
For additional details, please visit CaFCP's website at: or call (916) 371-2870.
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SOLTEC - SFOne single axis tracker
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