A solar powered petrol station and the largest planned solar power installation in the UK are two of the 21 projects to receive £2m funding Energy Minister Brian Wilson announced today.

A solar powered petrol station and the largest planned solar power

installation in the UK are two of the 21 projects to receive £2m
funding Energy Minister Brian Wilson announced today.

Mr Wilson said:

"Solar power is an increasingly important part of the renewable
energy revolution. It is a clean and low impact source of energy that
is making a valuable contribution to reducing our carbon dioxide

The funding is for 21 projects which are spread geographically from
the Western Isles to Cornwall and from London Llannelli.

Mr Wilson added:

"These innovative projects are just the latest to benefit from
funding and the growing market for renewable technologies. They are
helping to change the way people think about and use energy."

The funding is part of the DTI's £20m Photovoltaic Major
Demonstration Programme. The 21 projects are the fourth set of
proposals approved since the programme began in 2002.

Photovoltaics are cells that generate electricity directly from
light. Panels of these cells can be incorporated into building
products for use as roofing or cladding.

A total of 30 projects were submitted to the fourth selection
panel of the major photovoltaics demonstration programme. 21 projects
were selected for funding totalling £1,988,687, that will lead to a
further installed 581 kWp.

Patricia Hewitt, Secretary of State for Trade and Industry,
announced the £20m First Phase of the Major Photovoltaics
Demonstration Programme (MDP) on 26 March 2002. Prior to that the
Government had supported the Domestic and Large-Scale PV Field
Trials, providing £5.4m to develop 500 solar powered homes and a
further £4.2m for 18 solar powered public buildings. The first round
of funding under the £20m programme supported 8 projects
(01/08/2002), 19 were approved in the second round (27/11/2002) and a
further 18 projects supported in the third round (10/03/2003).

4. Further information about PV Major Demonstration Programme can be
found at or on 0800 298 3978.

5. The Energy White Paper - Our energy future - creating a low carbon
economy - published in February, increased funding for renewable
energy projects to £350 million over four years. Copies of the White
Paper can be found at

Department of Trade and Industry
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1 Victoria Street
London SW1H 0ET

Public Enquiries +44 (0)20 7215 5000
Textphone +44 (0)20 7215 6740 (for those with hearing impairment)

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