BP Solar Completes Solar Stable Project On Del Mar Fairgrounds
BP Solar announced today that it has completed the installation of a 1-megawatt solar project on the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Over 9,000 of BP's solar panels have been installed on several horse stable roofs on the grounds of the fairgrounds generating one megawatt of power.
28 May 2003, San Diego, CA: BP Solar announced today that it has completed the installation of a 1-megawatt solar project on the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Over 9,000 of BP's solar panels have been installed on several horse stable roofs on the grounds of the fairgrounds generating one megawatt of power. The power from the solar panels is fed directly into the Fairgrounds's own transformers reducing the Fairground's electrical consumption by 22% and decreasing the monthly electrical bill by about one-third. This is the largest utility-tied installation in San Diego County. Supplies over 20% of the total power needs.
The project, valued at over $5 million, deploys 9,600 solar panels that have been installed on 11 different stables within the Fairgrounds. Partial funding for the project was provided by the Del Mar Fairgrounds and through the San Diego Regional Energy Office's Self Generation Rebate Program. Other financing was made available through California Construction Authority. These state funds totaled approximately 50 percent of the total solar system cost.
The system was inaugurated today at the site by state and local officials, and representatives from the San Diego Energy Office and BP Solar. Ron Tovella, BP Solar director, North American Utility Sales, said solar is the perfect answer to meet the energy needs of the Fairgrounds. We are extremely proud to bring the clean power of the Sun to such a pristine and beautiful environment and to partner with such forward-thinking organizations like the Del Mar Fairgrounds and the San Diego Energy Office.
BP Solar is one of the world's largest solar companies with global market share of nearly 20 percent. BP solar has manufacturing facilities in the US, Spain, India, and Australia. Its headquarters are located in Linthicum, Maryland. To learn more about BP Solar, visit us at www.bpsolar.com.
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