Fuel Cell Industry Will Generate $18.6 Billion In Sales By 2013, According To New ABI Study
The global fuel cell industry will generate more than $18.6 billion in 2013, according to new findings from Allied Business Intelligence (ABI). Fuel cell sales will be generated from three main market applications: Automotive, Stationary, and Portables. ABI projects sales could generate near $35 billion if market conditions improve for automotive fuel cells, driven by strong government endorsement from three major regions -- the U.S., EU, and Japan.
The global fuel cell industry will generate more than $18.6 billion in 2013, according to new findings from Allied Business Intelligence (ABI). Fuel cell sales will be generated from three main market applications: Automotive, Stationary, and Portables. ABI projects sales could generate near $35 billion if market conditions improve for automotive fuel cells, driven by strong government endorsement from three major regions -- the U.S., EU, and Japan.
"Automotive fuel cell penetration will still be limited by strict technological challenges, in addition to cost, infrastructure, and lack of certainty over fuel choice in the near term, while stationary fuel cells for power generation and portable fuel cells for high-end electronic products will generate early revenues," explains Atakan Ozbek, ABI's Director of Energy Research and author of the new study, titled "Fuel Cell Supply Chain: Global Market Analysis, Potential and Forecasts."
The fuel cell industry's supply chain diagram provided in this study illustrates the major materials being used in fuel cell systems, such as platinum and graphite, and major components of fuel cells, such as fuel cell stacks, in addition to membrane electrode assemblies (MEAs). "Major materials and components that go into fuel cells have to be understood thoroughly for essential industry analysis, yet our findings indicate that there is a lack of coordination and plenty of 'soft data' in the sector," adds Mr. Ozbek.
The study examines each major market segment's sales breakdown for the next decade in three major regions: The U.S., EU and Japan. The forecasts present each major fuel cell market segment's potential revenues both in dollars and in unit shipments. The report also analyzes the basic characteristics, as well as market driven factors, of a potential "supply chain" that will occur in the coming years, as fuel cells gain greater recognition. Major materials and components that constitute fuel cell systems are analyzed, along with their potential sales within the fuel cell industry for the next decade.
Allied Business Intelligence Inc. is an Oyster Bay, N.Y.-based technology market research firm founded in 1990. ABI publishes research and technology intelligence on the wireless, automotive, electronics, networking and energy industries. Details can be found on the web at alliedworld.com or by calling 516-624-3113.
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