East Bay Habitat for Humanity PV Project Underway
East Bay Habitat for Humanity of Oakland, CA announced that it will add a 2.22 kW PV solar system to each of 26 low-income homes it will build in 2003, in Oakland and nearby Livermore, with technical assistance and financial help from Sky Power Systems of Castro Valley and other vendors.
East Bay Habitat for Humanity (EBHFH) announced today that it will begin construction in 2003 on 26 housing units with solar electric systems designed to provide most if not all of each low-income family's annual electricity needs. According to Lisa Boege of EBHFH, the 26 homes, to be placed on in-fill lots in Oakland and nearby Livermore, will each have a 2.22 kW solar electric system on their rooftops, and will be grid-connected to Pacific Gas and Electric, the area's electric utility, as part of EBHFH's newly developed "Green Habitat Project".
Discounts on solar electric equipment as well as technical and program management assistance are being provided by Fred Klaske of Sky Power Systems, a solar electric systems provider in Castro Valley, CA. Each EBHFH solar electric system will consist of 12 Sharp 185 Watt modules wired into an SMA SunnyBoy 2500 inverter, and will be attached to the asphalt shingle roof using Uni-Rac mounting hardware. These solar electric systems are expected to save each of the 26 families in this "Green Habitat Project" nearly $500 per year in reduced electric bills.
While much of the overall expense is being reduced by generous discounts on material and labor as well as the California Energy Commission (CEC) rebate program, EBHFH is actively soliciting donations to cover the remaining $133,000 ($5,100 per unit) cost of this "groundbreaking" PV project. EBHFH, a leading Habitat for Humanity International affiliate, has built over 70 homes in the past 15 years using volunteer labor and donations of money and materials.
Contributions for the "Green Habitat Project" should be mailed to EBHFH at 2619 Broadway, Suite 215, Oakland, CA 94612. Information about the "Green Habitat Project" can be found on the web at EBHFH's website at http://www.eastbayhabitat.org or by calling 510-251-6304. Sky Power Systems can be reached at http://www.skypowersystems.com or 510-727-9640 for more information on the solar electric technology being used.
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