WINDSOURCING.COM is a specialized distributor for wind turbine spare parts, wind turbine accessories and material for the maintenance and repair of wind turbines. The online portfolio includes over 20.000 products and services, ranging from electronical and hydraulical components, paint, varnishes, erosion tapes and adhesives for rotor blades to complete gear boxes. We supply all traditional wind markets: Germany, UK, Spain, Italy, Denmark, USA, Greece, Romania, and Poland, Japan and S.Corea.
Mailing Address:
Hoheluftchaussee 52
Hamburg, Deutschland 20253
Tel: 0049 (0) 40-9876 88 00
Email: info@windsourcing.com
Website: http://www.windsourcing.com
Company Category: Solar Power
Company Sector: Distributor
Keywords: Wind turbine spare parts and accessories
Partner Status: Free Company Listing