Marketing Partner

In 1992, S-5! invented the very market space of manufactured roof attachment solutions. S-5!'s clamps and brackets are engineered for a variety of applications, including residential and commercial solar installations on exposed-fastened and standing seam metal roofing. The company has a portfolio of more than 5+ GigaWatts of rooftop solar arrays, including many Fed-Ex and Walmart buildings; 700 Costco stores in eight countries; international airports; and corporate headquarters for Google, IBM, NATO, NREL and Apple. S-5! technologies are also affordable for domestic applications with more than 15,000 such solar installations in 50 countries.
Mailing Address:
500 W. Highway St.
Iowa Park, TX 76367
United States of America
Tel: 8888253432
Company Category: Solar Power
Company Sector: Manufacturing
Keywords: mounts, metal roof, solar, pv mounts, clamps, brackets, rack
Partner Status: Marketing Partner

S-5!® PVKIT™ 2.0 Solar Rooftop Solutions
The concept of combining PV arrays with standing seam metal roofing is growing-for good reasons. Metal roofs have a life expectancy of more than 40 years. Shouldn't the mounting system last as long? With S-5! zero-penetration attachment technology and PVKIT 2.0, the solarized metal roof is the most sustainable system available -and without compromising roof warranties! PVKIT 2.0 is the also the best solution for attaching PV modules directly to any exposed fastener metal roof.
Demolition Ranch HQ, Boerne, Texas―Case Study
Simplifying Solar Module Installation
Wire Management of Rail-Less Solar PV Systems on Low-Slope Metal Roofing
S-5! Corporate Headquarters Case Study
Parallel Products Recycling Facility—Case Study
CanDuit™ Clamp & GRipperFix® Utility Mounting System
The Net Zero Home
S-5! at RE+ 2022
2022 Top Article - Solar Atmospheres, Fontana, CA
Liberty Self Storage - American Flag Solar Array Case Study
Ocean Reef Club at Key Largo―Case Study - RibBracket™III and S-5-PVKIT®2.0
S-5! Case Study – Hawaii H-POWER Solar Project VersaGard™ & S-5-S Mini
Case Study - MicroTech Manufacturing Facility, Costa Rica
What One Business Owner Learned from a Pandemic Year
Canadian Equestrian Multi-Purpose Barn – Case Study S-5-PVKIT® 2.0 & S-5! X-Gard™ 2.0
S-5-PVKIT®2.0 & S-5-S Mini - KC Bailey Orchards Case Study
S-5-PVKIT 2.0 Case Study – The Boulder JCC
Metal Roofing—The Perfect Platform for Solar PV
Case Study: S-5! in Mkweni, South Africa
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