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PSB Industries

PSB Industries Inc., General Air Division, specializes in the Design and Fabrication of compressed air, gas, and liquid dehydration and purification systems. Our standard and custom packaged systems remove moisture and contaminants from process streams. PSB units are installed worldwide and currently serve the Air Separation, Chemical, Petrochemical, Refining, Fuel Gas, and Electronics markets. PSB fabrication capabilities and quality of packaged systems are unmatched. Vessels, piping, structural, control panels, sandblasting, painting, instrumentation, insulation, testing, etc are completed under "one roof" to closely monitor and quickly react to scope changes.

Mailing Address:
1202 West 12th Street
Erie , PA 16501
United States of America

Tel: (814) 453-3651



Company Category: Other Renewables

Company Sector: Manufacturing

Keywords: air separation, renewable natural gas

Partner Status: Free Company Listing


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