Hydroelectric energy is the “backbone of clean power,” but an urgent need to improve efficiencies is driving engineers to explore a whirlwind of options

Redefining Renewable Energy: A Critical Push to Optimize Hydroelectric Power Efficiency
Redefining Renewable Energy: A Critical Push to Optimize Hydroelectric Power Efficiency

Article from | Marstecs

Among alternative energy solutions, wind, solar, and hydrogen capture the majority of attention. Yet the combined output from these sources pales in comparison to that of hydroelectric power. Producing more than 4,300 TWh worldwide, hydroelectricity produces enough energy every year to power the entire U.S. – which consumed a record 4,070 TWh in 2022 according to the U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA).

However, for a number of countries, like those in North America and Europe, the energy generated by hydroelectric dams is essentially maxed out. Even if there were suitable locations to build new dams, high costs and environmental concerns often become overriding factors limiting their expansion. Yet the advantages of hydroelectric energy have led researchers to pursue practical ways to increase the efficiencies of the existing hydropower infrastructure. 

As part of that research, engineers have been working to tap into the power of vortexes. Unlike a typical hydroelectric system where water is fed down through a penstock allowing gravity, force, and pressure to spin a wheel connected to a turbine. In a vortex hydroelectric system, the water is spun as it enters the top of the feedstock creating a very strong whirlpool that harnesses more than just gravitational force to produce abundant energy. In fact, depending on the design, engineers project hydro vortex turbines could be retrofitted onto existing hydroelectric systems, increasing output by at least 10%.  

While vortex hydroelectric power is operational on a small scale in several countries, engineers have now unlocked its potential for large-scale hydrogeneration.

“Essentially what we first accomplished in Australia was to spin water in a cylinder as it came down river, similar to the water going down a drain, to create energy,” explains David Sattler, a vortex engineering expert who helped design and build the first small scale vortex hydropower systems. “However, what we are able to do now could be more aptly compared to harnessing the power of a tornado.”


Hydroelectric “the backbone of clean energy”

According to the EIA’s Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario, hydroelectric power generation would need to maintain an average annual growth rate of about 4% to deliver the needed 5,500 TWh of electricity by 2030. Over the past five years, however, the average growth rate has been less than one-third of what is required, highlighting the urgent need to enhance efforts.

The report goes on to state that hydropower plants should be recognized as “a reliable backbone of clean power systems” and supported accordingly in the future. Yet, energy experts say there have been very few improvements aimed at significantly increasing their efficiency.

“Part of the problem is that the principles behind the design of these systems have not changed much in the last 75 years or more,” explains Sattler. “They made improvements by reducing the friction within the penstocks by using PTFE and some units might have improved efficiency through better turbines, generators, or electronics but that can only get you so far.”


Advantages of hydropower

Hydropower offers several unique advantages that make it a vital component of the global transition to clean energy. Unlike other renewable sources like wind and solar, hydropower’s consistent and flexible generation contributes to grid stability and enhances energy security.

Additionally, hydroelectric power is incredibly effective. In fact, converting water into electricity is 90% efficient. In comparison, solar power reaches a maximum efficiency of around 30-36%, while wind power ranges between 25-45%. Even coal only has an efficiency of 33-40%.

Other advantages include:

  • Stable output: Hydropower plants generate a stable and continuous supply of electricity, as they are less dependent on external environmental factors like sunlight or wind.
  • Energy storage and peak demand response: Plants can quickly adjust power generation to meet peak demand or compensate for fluctuations in other renewable sources like solar or wind, which are more intermittent.
  • Longer lifecycle: With operational lifespans often exceeding 50 years, hydropower is more durable and cost effective when compared to wind turbines and solar panels.
  • Lower emissions and waste: Hydropower generates electricity at one of the lowest levels of emissions and waste among all renewables.

The science behind vortex engineering

“Interestingly enough, engineers have worked really hard to eliminate vortexes within the hydroelectric power systems,” adds Sattler. “That’s what we were taught in engineering school, but having now figured out the math and physics, we are seeing a tremendous amount of available energy in utilizing the vortex.”

Sattler’s team at Marstecs – a company looking to help solve the energy challenges on Earth and beyond – has been able to boost the mass flow rate through the penstock by as much as 10%, increasing the amount of electricity the turbine can capture at the bottom of the system. At the same time, additional energy can also be captured at the top of the penstock, further amplifying the overall electrical output.

“We’ve found that beyond the mechanic energy driving a turbine, there is an enormous amount of power that we can tap into as the water is running down the penstock,” adds Sattler. “This comes from pulling the electrostatic power out of the air, or the atmosphere, like a controlled black hole on Earth.”

Hydro vortex turbines can be added to new hydroelectric stations as well as retrofitted onto existing units. New construction would allow for greater efficiencies, which Sattler believes could double or even triple the power output of a traditional hydroelectric power station. 


Challenges to vortex engineering

There are challenges when trying to harness the power of large-scale vortexes. For example, in 1980 in Louisiana, a massive whirlpool was created on Lake Peigneur when a Texaco Oil miscalculation while drilling pierced a salt mine beneath the lake. The vortex was powerful enough to suck in 3.5 billion gallons of water along with 11 barges and one 5-million-dollar drilling platform. While 9 of the barges later resurfaced like an “iron cork” the others have never been found.

“The power you can draw in from a vortex is potentially endless, but you need to be able to manage it. You need to be able to turn it on, turn it off, slow it down, or speed it up, and that’s all been figured out. So, it is safe as any other form of power generation,” concludes Sattler.

Improving the efficiency of hydropower systems is essential to sustainably reducing greenhouse gases, and meeting the reliable, clean energy demands of the future. Vortex engineering is an innovative solution that could pave the way for more efficient hydropower, leveraging natural forces to enhance energy output and contribute to a more sustainable power grid.


For more information contact Marstecs: 513-444-9092, David@Marstecs.com, or visit https://marstecs.com/.


The content & opinions in this article are the author’s and do not necessarily represent the views of AltEnergyMag

Comments (1)

This misleading rhetoric glosses over and greenwashes the numerous negative environmental effects of hydropower generation, which have been the case for over a century. Many new hydropower facilities across Canada have severely exceeded construction budgets, earning the BOONDOGGLE label. Hydropower is well documented for its significant and ongoing adverse environmental effects resulting from its impoundments, diversions, and peaking operations. The collateral damage resulting from hydropower facilities includes the loss and serious decline in many iconic migratory fish species, declining biodiversity, impaired water quality, and elevated mercury concentrations in fish tissue. Since 2019, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has recognized the significant and ongoing GHG emissions, most significantly methane generated by hydropower facilities and their reservoirs. The IPCC has advised countries to include these emissions in their annual GHG Inventories. Over the past three decades, a growing body of independent, peer-reviewed research indicates that hydroelectric reservoirs are not emission-free in boreal, temperate, or tropical regions. In fact, they are a significant and ongoing source of biogenic GHGs, including methane, which can, in some instances, reach the same emission rate as a gas-fired facility. Hydro proponents claim these dams will last 50 to 100 years or more. Building new hydro facilities now means they will emit methane until those dams are removed - in 50 to 100 years -- emitting methane 24/7 x 365 days x 100 years - or more - if decommissioning dollars are available. Ontario Power Generation is rehabilitating a 117-year-old hydroelectric facility, which means it will continue spewing out copious amounts of methane for another 100 years. Many rivers in Canada and worldwide are drying up, and hydropower facilities can't generate power, so communities have to rely on coal, natural gas, and diesel. You can turn off a gas-fired facility, but you cannot stop methane emissions coming from a reservoir until the dam is removed. The Greenwashing Must Stop Now!

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